As the nation prepares for war with Iraq, pilots should be prepared for airspace changes and additional restrictions in some parts of the country. AOPA stays in constant contact with FAA and homeland security officials. While plans remain in flux, AOPA's sources say the start of hostilities will likely bring a return of a flight plan requirement to fly within the Washington, D.C., Air Defense Identification Zone (ADIZ). Additional security restrictions may be added to the New York airspace and possibly to some other large cities as well.
"Any airspace restrictions should be directly related to a credible threat," said AOPA President Phil Boyer, "and should be as operationally 'transparent' as possible. General aviation pilots will do their part to comply with reasonable security precautions. The government should do its part to ensure that GA pilots can continue their operations with a minimum of hassle. General aviation must not be made the scapegoat again."
AOPA will post any information on airspace changes as soon as it is available. Pilots who have elected to receive AOPA ePilot by e-mail can also expect to receive e-mail alerts to major airspace changes in their area. If you're not currently receiving ePilot, now might be a good time to sign up.