Advertisers Do not reply to this e-mail. Got news? Contact ePilot. Having difficulty using this service? Visit the ePilot Frequently Asked Questions now at AOPA Online or write to [email protected]. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association 421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701 Tel: 800/USA-AOPA or 301/695-2000 Copyright © 2005 AOPA. | Training Tips | INTERCEPT PROCEDURES Any pilot who carefully prepares a flight route, and navigates it precisely, is unlikely to experience interception by a military aircraft or stray into unauthorized airspace. But it's still your responsibility to be familiar with intercept procedures and would be prepared to respond appropriately. "You can expect an abrupt introduction to formation flight with military or law enforcement aircraft if you violate a temporary flight restriction (TFR) or enter a prohibited area. Get a full briefing and notams before every flight, and be aware of any TFRs along or near your route," Jill W. Tallman advised in the June 2003 AOPA Flight Training article "Flying Smart: Aviation Speak: Intercept Procedures." An excellent place to begin your review is Chapter Five, Section Six of the Aeronautical Information Manual, titled National Security and Interception Procedures. Here you'll find two tables explaining the meanings of signals and responses, such as the simple but easy-to-understand rocking of wings by the aircraft involved in an interception. Note that one table covers signals initiated by the interceptor and responses by the intercepted aircraft, while the other describes communications initiated by the intercepted and responses from the interceptor. Pay attention to the chapter's caution that peacetime procedures may be altered during "increased states of readiness." A summary of these intercept procedures is available on AOPA Online. You can also download the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's intercept procedures card and take it with you when you fly. If intercepted, tune your radio to the emergency frequency, 121.5 MHz, and set your transponder to 7700 unless otherwise instructed. A related suggestion for cockpit management comes from the March 28, 2003, Training Tips: "If you have two communications radios in your aircraft, consider using one to monitor 121.5 MHz on your next flight-especially if your flight will take you near any TFRs or other sensitive airspace." Also remember, as John Yodice urged in his "Pilot Counsel" column in the July 2001 AOPA Pilot, that "until radio communication has been established, the intercepted aircraft should continue to comply with and use visual signals." Interception should never be necessary. But if it does happen, your composure and cooperation will be critical to defusing a volatile situation.
| Your Partner in Training | Getting ready to go for your first FAA medical? Log on to AOPA Online and get the essential information you should know. From a listing of FAA-accepted medications to medical subject reports, you'll find the resources that can help you understand the application process. We even have a searchable listing of aviation medical examiners in the United States. And AOPA's TurboMedical application will walk you through the form, cautioning you about potentially problematic answers. As a member, you also have access to medical certification specialists who deal with the FAA on a regular basis. You can reach them by calling the Pilot Information Center at 800/USA-AOPA (872-2672) weekdays between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Eastern time. As an AOPA Flight Training Member, you have access to all of the features within AOPA Online and AOPA Flight Training Online. Login information is available online.
| Flight Training News | 2004 NALL REPORT SHOWS SLIGHT UPTICK IN GA ACCIDENTS The total accident rate for general aviation has risen slightly in the short term, but in the long term, the positive trend continues, according to the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's 2004 Joseph T. Nall Report, released last week. It shows that in 2003 total accidents rose by 2.5 percent, but flight hours increased by 0.8 percent when compared to the previous year. Also, 79.4 percent of general aviation accidents were non-fatal and 75.9 percent were pilot-related. Takeoffs and landings still represent the most common phases of flight for mishaps to occur, accounting for more than 50 percent of all GA accidents. To put things in better perspective, the foundation analyzed the accident trend over a decade. From 1994 to 2003, the accident rate per 100,000 flight hours declined 25.3 percent, and the fatal accident rate per 100,000 hours declined 24.7 percent. See the complete report on AOPA Online. GET READY FOR HURRICANE SEASON WITH AOPA SUBJECT REPORT June 1 wass the official start of hurricane season, and weather prognosticators expect a bad one for 2005. Before bad weather heads your way, take some time to review AOPA's new aviation subject report on hurricanes. You'll learn how to prepare for a hurricane and steps that you can take if flying out of range isn't a possibility. Plus, find out how Florida has been coping in the aftermath of the devastating storms of 2004. COMM1 SCHOLARSHIP PROGRAM READY FOR ENTRIES The fifth annual Comm1 Aviation Scholarship Program is accepting applications from aspiring aviators. The scholarship is $1,000 toward the cost of flight training or tuition. Applicants must demonstrate an interest in pursuing an aviation career and are asked to submit a 75-word essay describing an experience in which radio communications had a dramatically positive or negative effect on the safety of a flight. Entries will be accepted now through September 30. The scholarship recipient will be announced in November at AOPA Expo 2005 in Tampa, Florida. Download the scholarship packet or call 301/620-9500. FIND A RENTAL THAT FITS Renting an aircraft can have its advantages-particularly if you have a good relationship with the fixed-base operator providing your rental. Building that positive relationship will take time. "But with a little research and some strategic questions, you can secure the best renting relationship," writes Julie K. Boatman in "The Right Rental," February 2001 AOPA Pilot. Boatman provides examples of questions to ask about the company's track record, policies, aircraft maintenance, and others to help you get a better idea of whether you want to do business there. She also provides guidance on the checkout, insurance, and more. | Inside AOPA | AOPA FLY-IN ALL SET TO GO ON SATURDAY If you are flying in to AOPA's Annual Fly-In and Open House on Saturday, June 4, take several precautions to ensure your safety. Fly-ins are busy: Aircraft of varying sizes and speeds, and pilots of different skill levels, are all sharing the same small piece of airspace. A temporary control tower and approach control will be in place during the event, and a special holding pattern has been set up. Remember that Frederick Municipal Airport is very close to the restricted airspace of the Washington ADIZ and Camp David, and make sure you have studied the fly-in procedures. There will be something for everyone at the fly-in-pilots and nonpilots alike. Get your picture on the cover of an AOPA magazine; attend entertaining and educational seminars about learning to fly, aircraft ownership, safety, and more; chat with AOPA President Phil Boyer during an informal hangar session; and walk through nearly 100 exhibitor displays and an aircraft display. AOPA's 2005 Sweepstakes grand prize, a Commander 112A, will be on display the entire day. See AOPA Online. DON'T FORGET TO BRING A FUTURE PILOT WITH YOU TO FLY-IN If you know someone who really wants to learn to fly, bring them with you to AOPA's Fly-In and Open House. Anyone who brings a prospective pilot gets a free AOPA mini-MagLite. As part of AOPA's Project Pilot initiative, 10 lucky would-be student pilots will win free introductory flights at their local flight schools. And when they attend one of our three informational sessions, "How to Start Learning to Fly," you as a pilot will be entered to win one of two headsets, a Lightspeed Thirty 3G or a Pilot USA 1761T, thanks to the respective companies. See AOPA Online. AVIATION LEGEND EVELYN BRYAN JOHNSON HONORED AOPA President Phil Boyer was among more than 400 people who gathered in Sevierville, Tennessee, on May 26 to pay tribute to Evelyn Bryan Johnson. The 95-year-old flight instructor, who has logged more flight time-57,620 hours-than any other living pilot, administered more than 9,000 practical tests as a designated pilot examiner between 1952 and May 2005. Johnson continues to serve as manager of Moore-Murrell Field. The Tennessee Museum of Aviation and Aviation Hall of Fame hosted the tribute. See AOPA Online. HAVE YOU UPDATED YOUR AOPA MEMBER PROFILE? To make the most of your membership and allow us to serve you better, please visit AOPA Online and update your personal member profile.
| Training Products | GET 'INSTANT IFR' WITH NEW SPORTY'S TRAINING GLASSES Instrument training translates to many hours spent flying with view-limiting devices. Sporty's offers a new alternative if you prefer a device that resembles a set of goggles as opposed to a plastic hood. The lenses of the Instant IFR Training Glasses are frosted to simulate IFR conditions, and they can be worn atop regular eyeglasses or sunglasses. Each pair comes with a carrying case and a five-year warranty and sells for $14.95. Order them online from Sporty's or call 800/SPORTYS. Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by ePilot editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.
| Final Exam | Question: I thought I had recently completed an IFR cross-country flight toward the instrument rating requirements under FAR 61.65(d). We flew instrument approaches at three airports, but because we did not land at any of the airports, my instructor says the flight cannot be logged as cross-country time. Can AOPA clarify what counts as cross-country time? Answer: Your instructor is correct. According to FAR 61.1(3)(ii), cross-country time for an instrument rating (in an airplane) means that the flight must include a landing at a point more than 50 nautical miles from the original point of departure. In your case, because you did not actually land at any airport during your flight, other than returning to the departure airport, you may not log this flight as cross-country time toward the instrument rating. For more information, see Kathy Yodice's discussion of cross-country time in the May 2004 AOPA Flight Training and AOPA's subject report, Logbooks and Logging Time . Got a question for our technical services staff? E-mail to [email protected] or call the Pilot Information Center, 800/872-2672. Don't forget the online archive of "Final Exam" questions and answers, searchable by keyword or topic.
| Picture Perfect | The AOPA Online Gallery allows you to download your favorite images to use for wallpaper, send a personalized e-card, and order high-quality prints to be shipped directly to your doorstep. Search the hundreds of images in our archives and select your favorites today! For more details, see AOPA Online.
| Weekend Weather | See the current weather on AOPA Online, provided by Meteorlogix.
| ePilot Calendar | UPCOMING FLYING DESTINATIONS: Bridgeport, Connecticut. Corsairs Over Connecticut takes place June 2 through 5 at Igor I. Sikorsky Memorial (BDR). Celebrating the sixtieth anniversary of the end of World War II, nine Chance Vought F4U Corsairs return for a veterans salute. Other displays include World War II aircraft, military vehicles, and historic re-enactors. Call 203/380-2902, or visit the Web site. Galveston, Texas. A Gulf Coast Wings Weekend takes place June 3 and 4 at Moody Gardens Hotel. Event features Wings safety seminars, trade show, awards breakfast, and banquet in the Lone Star Flight Museum. Contact Tre Deathe, 512/454-9476, or visit the Web site. Spokane, Washington. An Aviation Weekend takes place June 3 and 4 at Felts Field (SFF). Featuring innovations in flight, educational seminars, product demonstrations, wings to wishes flight, and a World War II gala benefit hangar dinner. Contact Teri Mathis, 509/252-2954, or visit the Web site. Danville, Virginia. SATS 2005: A Transformation in Air Travel takes place June 5 through 7 at Danville Regional (DAN). The demonstration will highlight the capabilities of the Small Aircraft Transportation System (SATS). The event will open with a dynamic fly-in, followed by two days of technology demonstrations, service provider displays, and more. Visit the Web site. St. Francis, Kansas. The Twenty-third Annual Stearman Fly-in takes place June 11 and 12 at Cheyenne County Municipal (SYF). Stearman biplanes, hot air balloons, and skydiving demonstrations are featured. All airplanes, gliders, and ultralights are welcome. Contact Richard or Robert, 785/332-2251, or visit the Web site. Columbia, California. The Bellanca-Champion Club West Coast Fly-in takes place June 10 through 12 at Columbia (O22). The sixth annual West Coast fly-in is the largest and finest gathering of Bellancas and Champions anywhere. Great seminars, roundtables, airplanes, and camaraderie. Contact Robert Szego or George Butts, 518/731-6800 or 310/701-0101, or visit the Web site. Nampa, Idaho. A P-51 Invitational takes place June 11 and 12 at Warhawk World War II Air Museum. Families will be impressed with the formation flying of the P-51 Mustang, hands-on activities for youth, guest speaker from World War II, and exhibits that will keep guests of all ages busy. Contact Sue Paul, 208/465-6446, or visit the Web site. To submit an event to the calendar or to search all events visit AOPA Online. For airport details, see AOPA's Airport Directory Online. FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR REFRESHER CLINICS The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Orlando, Florida, and Charlotte, North Carolina, June 11 and 12. Courses are also scheduled in Minneapolis; Columbus, Ohio; and Reston, Virginia, June 24 and 25. For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the CFI Refresher Online. AOPA AIR SAFETY FOUNDATION SAFETY SEMINARS AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars are scheduled to take place during the AOPA Fly-In and Open House on June 4 in Frederick, Maryland. The topics vary-for a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
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