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AOPA testifies for airport protection laws in Minnesota

AOPA testifies for airport protection laws in Minnesota

AOPA continues its efforts to get airport protection laws in Minnesota. AOPA Great Lakes Regional Representative Bill Blake testified Thursday before a state Senate subcommittee on aeronautics in support of legislation that would adopt statewide standards for airport land use and help stop incompatible development from threatening general aviation airports. Sponsored by state Sen. Mike Jungbauer, Senate Bill 79 would establish airport land-use commissions and require the development and adoption of comprehensive airport land-use plans while Senate Bill 80 would require the commissioner of Transportation and local units of government to adopt a model zoning ordinance to limit height of objects around airports. AOPA also sent a supporting letter to the subcommittee chairwoman, noting that, "Appropriate airport land-use planning now will also serve to eliminate calls by homeowners close to an airport to place restrictions or curfews on airport operations later."

March 4, 2005

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