AOPA has submitted a letter in support of Missouri Senate Bill 396, sponsored by Sen. Jeff Crowell, which would extend through 2013 the transfer of jet fuel sales tax revenue into the State Aviation Trust Fund. Presently, the transfer is scheduled to expire in 2008. AOPA Midwest Regional Representative Bob Dickens was instrumental in crafting the plan and is working with state aviation groups to extend the revenue stream. The bill was heard in the Senate Transportation Committee on Tuesday, and a vote is expected soon. In a letter to Committee Chairman Jon Dolan, AOPA Vice President of Regional Affairs Roger Cohen noted, "Extending the existing funding mechanism in S.B. 396 will guarantee that the finely balanced approach of the past decade will continue to serve all segments of the aviation community as well as the residents of Missouri." An identical bill, House Bill 713, has been introduced in the House by Rep. Nathan Cooper.
March 11, 2005