One of the highlights for many AOPA Expo visitors is a chance to see the AOPA Sweepstakes aircraft - the airplane they hope to win. This year's airplane - the Countdown Commander - is at this moment at AOPA's Frederick, Maryland, headquarters, being prepped for its 733-nm flight (according to AOPA's Real-Time Flight Planner) to Tampa, Florida. It will be there in plenty of time for Expo 2005's opening day November 3.
You'll want to check it out, along with more than 80 other great aircraft, at the static display at Peter O. Knight Airport.
But with so many things to see and do during AOPA Expo 2005, you'll no doubt also want some time to sit back, soak it all in, and maybe have a few laughs.
AOPA has that covered as well. Join aviation humorist Rod Machado for lunch and laughs during Expo's opening luncheon on Thursday, November 3.
And start each day off right with general session speakers who will get you caught up on everything GA in only one hour!
On Thursday morning, U.S. Department of Transportation Secretary Norman Y. Mineta will give AOPA members the inside scoop on how GA is perceived on Capitol Hill, and on Friday, leaders from the light sport aircraft market, Cirrus, and Eclipse will share their plans for the future of GA.
A special session Saturday features AOPA President Phil Boyer and the AOPA senior management team to show you everything your association is doing to keep your flying safe, fun, and affordable.
After you get an update on the industry, browsing through the Tampa Convention Center exhibit hall and walking through the aircraft display at Peter O. Knight Airport will be even more interesting, because you'll see firsthand what the general session speakers discussed.
October 21, 2005