WAAS up? Well, today 37 general aviation airports that had no precision instrument approach before now have WAAS LPV approaches - approaches that offer ILS-like minimums through a GPS-based system rather than a ground-based one. There are now more than 100 runway ends that previously lacked an ILS that now have LPV approaches, and the FAA has now commissioned a total of 240 LPV procedures.
"For instrument-rated pilots, that's a tremendous increase in safety and utility," said Randy Kenagy, AOPA director of advanced technology. "A WAAS-LPV approach can give you minima close to an ILS, and it's even easier to fly."
AOPA has been a strong advocate of WAAS, lobbying hard in Congress to keep the program funded and on track during its difficult development phase, and keeping the pressure on to rapidly add approaches to GA airports that don't have an ILS. A third satellite will come online next year, providing redundant WAAS coverage for the entire United States. (To learn more about WAAS, see " What's up with WAAS?" and a video from AOPA Expo 2004.)
September 26, 2005