Advertisers Do not reply to this e-mail. Got news? Contact ePilot. Having difficulty using this service? Visit the ePilot Frequently Asked Questions now at AOPA Online or write to [email protected]. Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association 421 Aviation Way Frederick, MD 21701 Tel: 800/USA-AOPA or 301/695-2000 Copyright © 2006 AOPA. | Training Tips | EYES OUTSIDE! The more convenient, easier to use, and more data-packed electronic navigation becomes, the more important it is for pilots to remember to look outside, not at the panel, while flying under visual flight rules (VFR). It's still a see-and-avoid world out there; visual flight rules remain in effect no matter what kind of nav boxes are on board. It's easy to forget that neither sophisticated electronics in the cockpit, nor radar flight following from air traffic control, should degrade your personal vigilance of the airspace around you. "The see-and-avoid rule applies to all pilots, from the most experienced airline pilot in the most elaborately equipped airliner to the beginning student pilot in a modestly equipped trainer. And it applies in all types of airspace regardless of the ATC services being provided, even when a controller is actively providing separation from other aircraft," attorney Kathy Yodice reminded pilots in the June 1999 AOPA Flight Training Legal Briefing column. On a flight test, you'll be expected to demonstrate your familiarity with on-board navigation gear. It would not be unreasonable for a designated examiner to take the position that your nav gear's ability to distract you from scanning for traffic is fair game. Remember, collision avoidance is special emphasis area No. 4 in the Private Pilot Practical Test Standards. No matter what task you are demonstrating, this item is part of it! During that test, or during flight lessons (solo or dual) while practicing maneuvers, execute a clearing turn as a matter of routine. How is a clearing turn performed? See Jill Tallman's discussion of various ways to clear an area in the May 2005 AOPA Flight Training Aviation Speak, and the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's Collision Avoidance Safety Advisor . Navigating via the data displays on a fancy black box is fascinating and fun. Groundspeed, time to destination, course line, time and distance to the nearest airport in case of a diversion-all this is at your fingertips. Knowing that you are on course is comforting when visibility is poor and terrain is unfamiliar. But even under ideal conditions, keep a sharp lookout for traffic, and enjoy the view. After all, if you are like most general aviation pilots, it was that thrilling vista from the cockpit that got you flying in the first place.
| Your Partner in Training | "My flight instructor and I just don't click." Are you having problems with your instructor or your flight school? Talking about it could help clear things up. Before making a drastic move that could set back your training, read this article from the January 2004 AOPA Flight Training magazine. If you have additional questions, call the Pilot Information Center at 800/USA-AOPA between 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Eastern. As an AOPA Flight Training Member, you have access to all of the features within AOPA Online and AOPA Flight Training Online. Login information is available online.
| Flight Training News | EMBRY-RIDDLE KEEPS TOP SPOT IN 'U.S. NEWS' COLLEGE RANKING Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University (ERAU) earned a top ranking in the annual "America's Best Colleges" guide published by U.S. News and World Report. ERAU's Daytona Beach, Florida, campus took first place in the specialty category of "aerospace/aeronautical/astronautical engineering programs" at schools where the highest degree is a master's. In second place was the U.S. Air Force Academy; Embry-Riddle's Prescott, Arizona, campus took third place. ERAU has won the top spot each year since the category was introduced in 2001. KNOW YOUR TOWERED AIRPORT OPERATIONS? TAKE THE QUIZ Even if you don't train at a towered airport, chances are you'll soon be heading to one during a dual session with your flight instructor. The newest Sporty's Safety Quiz will test your knowledge of operations at towered airports. Can you cross an intersecting runway after you've received clearance to "taxi to" another runway? After takeoff, does air traffic control expect you to maintain a straight ground track or runway heading regardless of drift? What, exactly, are your options if the controller says you're "cleared for the option"? Find out the answers to these and other questions by taking the Safety Quiz. Each quiz offers a quick, easy, and interactive way to assess and expand your knowledge. Plus, you can earn a chance to win a Sporty's Air-Scan V aviation radio/scanner. LINDBERGH FOUNDATION, LYCOMING OFFER TECHNOLOGY GRANT The Lindbergh Foundation, in conjunction with Lycoming Engines, is offering a cash grant for individuals whose research projects represent a creative solution to environmental concerns within the aviation industry. The grant will be given annually in an amount up to $10,580-the amount of money it cost to build Charles A. Lindbergh's Spirit of St. Louis. Lesley A. Weitz of Texas A&M University recently received a grant for her project on reducing fuel inefficiencies and noise pollution from aircraft by exploring the wider use of continuous descent approaches at busy airports. The deadline to apply for the grant is November 1. For more information and an application, see the Web site. SONEX KIT MANUFACTURER OFFERS EDUCATION INCENTIVES Sonex Aircraft, manufacturer of the Sonex and Waiex sportplane and Xenos sport motorglider kits, recently launched an education initiative aimed at schools and community groups that want to build an airplane. The program includes discounts on airframe kits. A Web site designed for participating schools and groups will offer free online discussion groups for teachers and students; a database of curriculum resources; advice on starting, teaching, and administering aviation education via aircraft construction; and links to educational, funding, and technical support resources. For more information, see the Web site.
| Inside AOPA | PILOTS, TEACHERS: GET ON THE PATH TO EDUCATION School is in session-or just around the corner-for the nation's youngsters. Now is a good time to explore how you can help bring aviation to the classroom. AOPA has created a book especially for pilots and secondary school teachers. PATH-Pilots and Teachers Handbook-effectively connects math, science, physics, history, and technology to the basics of general aviation. Pilots of every age and experience level are encouraged to share their enthusiasm and knowledge of flying with students. Through tips and basic resource ideas, AOPA's PATH to Aviation walks pilots through the planning and preparation needed to arrange a successful classroom visit or a field trip to a local airport and serves as an expert resource for teachers and students. Teachers can take advantage of the wealth of information provided by AOPA's PATH to Aviation to bring these basic topics straight into the classroom. Eleven easy-to-follow modules highlight common questions people often ask about GA and tie activities to secondary school topics. Teacher and student worksheets are provided. For more information, see AOPA Online. AOPA OFFERS DEAL TO FLIGHT SCHOOLS When flight schools were asking for new ways to attract and retain students, AOPA responded with a unique marketing opportunity. What better way to encourage a prospective or new student pilot to become a pilot than to give them the resources they need for training. On your behalf, AOPA will provide your prospective and current student pilots with six free issues of AOPA Flight Training and a six-month free membership. The first issue will boldly highlight your school's name and contact information to remind your prospective clients and students that you are supporting their desire to learn to fly. One AOPA member and flight school owner went a step further. In July, he started giving away a complimentary one-year AOPA membership to the first 10 students who soloed at his flight school. "Perhaps, once they see the advantages of AOPA membership, they will continue when the membership comes up for renewal," wrote David L'Roy of Lone Star Flyers in Euless, Texas. For details, see AOPA Flight Training Online or e-mail Lauren Otto. HAVE YOU UPDATED YOUR AOPA MEMBER PROFILE? To make the most of your membership and allow us to serve you better, please visit AOPA Online and update your personal member profile.
| Training Products | ASA PUBLISHES UPDATED INSTRUMENT RATING TEST GUIDE Aviation Supplies and Academics (ASA) has released an updated version of its Instrument Oral Exam Guide to reflect changes in regulations, procedures, and training. The Instrument Oral Exam Guide is designed for pilots who are training for the instrument rating, as well as instructors preparing for the CFII checkride. Written by Michael Hayes, the guide teaches applicants not only what to expect, but also how to exhibit subject mastery and confidence when flying under an examiner's scrutiny, according to ASA. The 176-page soft-cover guide is $12.95 and may be ordered online or by calling 800/426-8338. Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by ePilot editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.
| Final Exam | Question: What is the purpose of the ground reference maneuvers my instructor makes me practice? Answer: The ground reference maneuvers are designed to teach you how to divide your attention between several tasks, control the airplane smoothly and safely, see and avoid potential conflicts, and react appropriately to the effects of wind drift. For additional information, read this article from AOPA Online. To review the standards you must meet when performing these maneuvers during your practical test, review the practical test standards for the certificate you are applying for. Got a question for our technical services staff? E-mail to [email protected] or call the Pilot Information Center, 800/872-2672. Don't forget the online archive of "Final Exam" questions and answers, searchable by keyword or topic.
| Picture Perfect | Looking for some really fabulous aviation photography? All the air-to-air photos and beautifully detailed ground images used by AOPA Pilot magazine over the years are yours at the click of a mouse button. Download your favorite images to use for wallpaper, send an e-postcard, or order prints online. For more details, see AOPA Online.
| What's New At AOPA Online | What does it take to preflight a Cessna 152 Aerobat for a typical session of spin training? Walk through a thorough preflight inspection with aerobatic instructor Catherine Cavagnaro to see and hear tips applicable to any flight. Also, spin master Bill Kershner reveals how he became so fascinated with spins and upsets and talks about spin training for flight instructors in a new multimedia presentation on AOPA Online.
| Weekend Weather | See the current weather on AOPA Online, provided by Meteorlogix.
| ePilot Calendar | UPCOMING FLYING DESTINATIONS: Glens Falls, New York. The 2006 Region III Soaring Competition takes place August 27 through September 2 at Floyd Benett Memorial (GFL). See 50 gliders racing each day. Takeoffs begin around noon, and finishes begin about 5 p.m. Contact Tim Hanke, 518/693-6849, or visit the Web site. Troy, Ohio. The Waco Fly-In takes place August 25 and 26 at Waco Field (1WF). See 50 vintage Wacos on display; airshow at 1 p.m. Contact Mike Winblad, 937/266-3500, or visit the Web site. Indianapolis, Indiana. The Indianapolis Airshow takes place August 26 and 27 at Mount Comfort (MQJ). Featuring the U.S. Air Force Thunderbird Jet Team, the U.S. Army Golden Knights Parachute Team, Michael Hunter Flight for Diabetes, Red Eagles Duo, warbirds, antique and classic car show, a World War II military encampment, vendors, seminars, a fly-in, and more. Contact Diana Callahan, 317/335-7252, or visit the Web site. Madras, Oregon. The Central Oregon Airshow takes place August 26 at City-County (S33). Enjoy food, music, car show, and lots of classic antique aircraft. Contact Don Mobley, 541/475-6483, or visit the Web site. To submit an event to the calendar or to search all events visit AOPA Online. For airport details, see AOPA's Airport Directory Online. FLIGHT INSTRUCTOR REFRESHER CLINICS The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Sacramento, California; Colorado Springs, Colorado; and Columbia, Maryland, September 9 and 10. Clinics are also scheduled in Phoenix, and Richmond, Virginia, September 16 and 17. For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the CFI Refresher Online. AOPA AIR SAFETY FOUNDATION SAFETY SEMINARS AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars are scheduled in Orono, Maine, September 5; South Portland, Maine, September 6; and Lexington, Massachusetts, September 7. The topic is "Do the Right Thing-Decision Making for Pilots." For details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
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