AOPA has opened the seventeenth annual Max Karant Awards for Excellence in Aviation Journalism competition for reporters working in the general news media.
The awards recognize fair, accurate, and insightful reporting on general aviation in five categories - print, television (hard news), television (feature story), television (program length), and radio. ( Click here to see a video of the award-winning entries for 2005.)
Submissions must have been published or broadcast between January 1 and December 31, 2006. Up to three entries or series of entries may be submitted. Postmark deadline is April 16, 2007. There is no entry fee.
The competition is judged by the Karant Awards Committee comprised of media and aviation experts.
The Karant Awards honor the best of "fair, accurate, and insightful" reporting on general aviation in the general (non-aviation) media. They carry an honorarium of $1,000 in each category. The awards are named for the late Max Karant, founder of AOPA Pilot magazine and the association's first senior vice president.
Awards will be presented at AOPA Expo 2007 in Hartford, Connecticut, on Oct. 4, 2007.
Entry forms are available here. For additional information, contact Pat Rishel at 301/695-2157 or [email protected].
Winners in 2006 included: Miles O'Brien, CNN, who won for his piece on an incursion into the Washington ADIZ, highlighting the complexity of airspace; Jason Paur, National Public Radio, for a profile of the Breezy Ambassador, who promotes general aviation through free rides in his homebuilt aircraft; Jeff Hirsh and Jeff Barnhill, WKRC-TV, Cincinnati, for their profile of Honor Flight, an organization who flies veterans to Washington, D.C., to experience the World War II Memorial; Stu Bykofsky, Philadelphia Daily News, for his piece about the ease of learning to fly; and Jason Moore of KTUU-TV for a fascinating series on NTSB accident investigations.
December 18, 2006