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GPS: A great VFR tool

The global positioning system is a great tool for pilots. If you are learning to fly a modern training aircraft, most likely a GPS receiver is mounted in your airplane's panel, and you may be learning to use it--along with pilotage and dead reckoning--to navigate to your cross-country destinations.

But many pilots don't understand the nuances of their GPS receivers beyond pressing "Direct To" and entering a destination. And that's a shame, because GPS offers a lot of features that can make a cross-country more enjoyable, efficient, and safe. That's why the AOPA Air Safety Foundation developed its newest online course, GPS for VFR Operations. This interactive course is a great way for you to learn all about how GPS works. It discusses handheld GPS units as well as panel-mount versions, giving you a chance to investigate both kinds. Best of all, it's free of charge--no need to spend hard-earned training dollars playing with this equipment while the Hobbs meter is running. (And we all know that, from a safety standpoint, fiddling with an electronic gadget while you're supposed to be looking outside for traffic in the air or on the ground isn't a good idea.)

GPS for VFR Operations is just one of a series of free interactive online programs available from the Air Safety Foundation. Here's a sample of other topics:

  • Weather Wise: Thunderstorms and ATC. True scenarios and lively graphics are used to demonstrate effective pilot/air traffic control communications and illustrate the types of radar equipment that ATC can use to help pilots avoid convective activity. The goal is to show you how to make sound decisions as pilot in command.
  • Weather Wise: Ceilings and Visibility. Many pilots don't realize that low ceilings and restricted visibility are two of aviation's most pernicious killers. The course aims to give you the knowledge to minimize the risks that these conditions pose.
  • Say Intentions: When You Need ATC's Help. Air traffic controllers can be your greatest allies in times of trouble. Learn how to ask for a tool known as a flight assist.
  • ASF courses are free of charge and available to all pilots. View the entire selection of courses online (

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