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AOPA Online Members Only -- AOPA ePilot Flight Training Edition -- Vol. 6, Issue 25

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Volume 6, Issue 25 • June 23, 2006
In this issue:
Instructors: Get the facts on Sport Pilot
Build A Plane works to inspire youth in aviation
Boyer shows off sweepstakes aircraft at Fly-In


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Training Tips

Stuck on a maneuver or concept? Nothing you've tried makes it stick. You practice and study, but the mistakes just keep coming. Even more frustrating, they're the same mistakes, time after time. What's going on?

Not only is this common problem disheartening, but if it involves a flight maneuver, it also can be expensive. A good first step is to back off. Take a break from the maneuver. Come back later-after working on something you know well or enjoy-and try one of many reliable strategies for licking the problem.

What can you do to get back on track? A good first step is to get another demonstration of the maneuver. There's something flight instructors learn about teaching called the law of primacy. The definition, as Ralph Butcher explains in the May 2006 AOPA Flight Training commentary, is that "the state of being first, often creates a strong, almost unshakable, impression." Was your first impression of the maneuver a wrong impression? Asking for additional demonstrations often helps in a known trouble area for new pilots: learning to land, which is discussed in the March 26, 2004, Training Tips article "Tackling Touchdown Travails."

Observing another student getting a dual lesson on the maneuver (or ground task) is a very successful prescription for getting the program back in gear. See "Park and Ride: Learning through Observation" in the March 1998 AOPA Pilot.

Or think about the maneuver the way your instructor looks at it. Reduce it to its component concepts or skills. Do you see how they come together to make the maneuver work? How would you teach the maneuver to someone else?

"If you can remember that flying and other aviation activities are major and worthwhile accomplishments, you can more easily surmount the moments when you feel that you cannot go any further," counseled David Montoya in the September 2000 AOPA Flight Training feature "Dealing with Discouragement." "And since flying is a multifaceted, complex task, you should expect to hit learning plateaus and remember that these are normal." Read some of the simple ideas he proposed for getting back in the game, and move forward!

Your Partner in Training

One of your tasks in preparing for any airborne journey is to become familiar with all available information concerning your flight. How long are the runways at your intended destination, and can your aircraft safely take off from and land within those lengths? What are the communication and weather frequencies? AOPA's Airport Directory Online has the answers to these questions and more. The directory features vital details on more than 5,300 public-use landing facilities, 7,000 fixed-base operators and aviation-related businesses, and more than 55,000 restaurants, hotels, and transportation services. Toll-free flight service station (FSS) telephone numbers are listed for more than 5,000 public-use airports so that you can call the individual FSS instead of your home-base FSS when you dial 800/WX-BRIEF on your cell phone.

Do you have a question? Call the experienced pilots in AOPA's Pilot Information Center at 800/USA-AOPA. They're available to take your calls weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern. As an AOPA Flight Training Member, you have access to all of the features within AOPA Online and AOPA Flight Training Online. Login information is available online.

Flight Training News

Flight instructors-are you up to speed on the sport pilot and light sport aircraft (LSA) regulations? Even if you are not flying LSAs or are not currently training applicants for the sport pilot certificate, you still should be knowledgeable about the rules and familiar with the aircraft that qualify as LSA. AOPA Online has the information you need. Start with the aviation subject report for a clear overview of the new rules and links to AOPA articles, as well as complete text of the rules, practical test standards, aircraft registration, and other resources. Be sure to review the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's Sport Pilot Checkride Guide, which was designed to give flight instructors and pilots a compact reference guide on practical test standards, eligibility requirements, flight and aeronautical experience requirements, and required endorsements.

Inspiring young people to pursue careers in aviation often begins by exposing them to tangible things like the feel of metal and fabric. Build A Plane, a nonprofit group, has entered a partnership with the FAA to promote its program in which high school students in vocational and science programs work on donated airplanes. There are currently 20 programs under way in the United States, plus others in India and Nigeria. Build A Plane also is developing courses that allow students to design, build, and test-fly virtual aircraft on computers.

Soaring with gliders is another way to interest young people in aviation, particularly since student pilots can solo a glider at age 14, compared to age 16 in a powered aircraft. Six Tennessee students were introduced to the fundamentals of aviation and the joy of soaring at a four-day University of Tennessee Space Institute (UTSI) short course held earlier this month at the Tullahoma Municipal Airport. Each student accumulated 10 or more flights in UTSI's glider, an Alexander Schelicher AS-K13. The camp culminated with aero-tows in a Piper Pawnee provided by Chilhowee Gliderport near Benton, Tennessee.

A few more students might be added to the ranks of prospective future pilots. Arizona Girl Scouts ages 13 to 18 recently completed the six-day "Girls Can Fly" Discover Aviation Camp in Prescott, Arizona. The camp culminated with each of the seven girls taking a 30-minute flight lesson in a Cessna 172 with an Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University instructor. The teenagers learned about aerodynamics, navigation, and careers in aviation; practiced their air traffic control skills; built model airplanes; and toured the ERAU accident investigation and aerodynamics laboratories. This year, campers also enjoyed a special treat-flying Guidance Helicopters' new helicopter simulator. "This camp is a true example of how pilots come together to inspire future generations of pilots," said Stacy Howard, AOPA Western regional representative and founder of the program. "The entire Prescott-area aviation community gets involved." More than 100 girls have attended the camp during the program's eight-year history.

Many pilots aspire to get a seaplane rating after they've completed the private pilot certificate. It's a fun rating that gives you a chance to experience a very different kind of flying-taking off from and landing on rivers and lakes. Two pilots are adding a new twist to float flying by racing a 1975 Cessna 182 on Wipaire floats in the Air Race Classic, an all-women's cross-country event. Pilots Jenny Jorgensen and Mary Build of Maine are said to be the first team to fly an amphibious aircraft in the historic race. This year's event launched June 20 from Mesa, Arizona, and ends June 23 in Menominee, Michigan. Jorgensen and Build are members of the Katahdin Wings chapter of the International Organization of Women Pilots, better known as The Ninety-Nines. You can read their adventures online.

Inside AOPA

It's an annual tradition-the AOPA sweepstakes aircraft and AOPA President Phil Boyer make a guest appearance before the aircraft owners group. Last weekend, the Win a Six in '06 Cherokee Six was the centerpiece for the 2006 Cherokee National Fly-In and Convention in Osage Beach, Missouri. The 200 pilots, spouses, and guests enjoyed hearing Boyer and dreaming about upgrading their Cherokees with some of the mods adorning the Win a Six. Boyer also took the opportunity to tell Osage Beach Mayor Penny Lyons about the value of a community airstrip and the kind of economic support an event like the Cherokee Fly-In brings to her town. Grand Glaize-Osage Beach Airport is located in the heart of downtown, making the airport property attractive for other development, and some community leaders are questioning the value of keeping the airport. For more, see the complete story on AOPA Online.

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Training Products

One of the most enjoyable aspects of hanging out at an airport is the chance to critique the landing techniques of your fellow pilots. What are the elements of good and bad arrivals? You'll see each and every one displayed in Ups and Downs of Takeoffs and Landings, a 60-minute DVD produced by the AOPA Air Safety Foundation. The program showcases dozens of entertaining, occasionally terrifying landings by actual pilots. Experienced pilot and New York announcer Harry Case analyzes each landing, pointing out in a humorous but compelling manner the mistakes made and how pilots could have improved their performance. Topics in the presentation include short-field and soft-field takeoffs and landings, crosswind landings, climb-out performance, night operations, and density altitude. Plus, learn how to use specifications in the pilot's operating handbook to get the best performance. Ups and Downs of Takeoffs and Landings is $19.95 and may be ordered online from Sporty's or by calling 800/SPORTYS.

Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by ePilot editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.

Final Exam
Question: What is ground effect?

Answer: Ground effect changes the normal flow of air around a wing. This occurs up to a height of about one wingspan above the ground. Chapter 3 of the Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge explains that the change in airflow over the wing alters the direction of the relative wind, producing a smaller angle of attack and therefore a reduction in induced drag. Pilots perform soft-field takeoffs to take advantage of ground effect and lift off at the lowest possible airspeed. Make sure, however, that you level off and accelerate to a safe climb speed before leaving ground effect. Read more about ground effect and landings at Flight Training Online.

Got a question for our technical services staff? E-mail to [email protected] or call the Pilot Information Center, 800/872-2672. Don't forget the online archive of "Final Exam" questions and answers, searchable by keyword or topic.

Picture Perfect
Looking for some really fabulous aviation photography? All the air-to-air photos and beautifully detailed ground images used by AOPA Pilot magazine over the years are yours at the click of a mouse button. Download your favorite images to use for wallpaper, send an e-postcard, or order prints online. For more details, see AOPA Online.

What's New At AOPA Online
New production airplanes by manufacturers such as Diamond Aircraft, Liberty Aerospace, and Symphony Aircraft are beginning to show up on the flight lines of fixed-base operators and flight schools around the country. AOPA Pilot Senior Editor Alton K. Marsh took Liberty's challenge to test the manufacturer's claim that the Liberty XL2 is a cost-effective airplane. He shares his observations in the July issue of AOPA Pilot magazine.

Weekend Weather
See the current weather on AOPA Online, provided by Meteorlogix.

ePilot Calendar
Toledo, Ohio. The Plane Fun Airshow takes place June 24 and 25 at Metcalf Field (TDZ). Sponsored by EAA Chapter 582. Featuring the Red Baron Squadron, Chicago Rush Jet Car, T-6 Texan, Brett Hunter Pitts Freak, and other acts, aircraft displays, vendors, Young Eagles, and much more. Contact Joe Deaton, 419/346-4200, or visit the Web site.

Evansville, Indiana. The Evansville Freedom Festival Airshow takes place June 23 through 25. Spectacular airshow over the Ohio River featuring the U.S. Air Force Viper West F-16 demo team, U.S. Army Golden Knights, U.S. Navy F-18 Hornet demo team, Heritage Flight, unlimited hydroplane races, and more. Also visit the static display and balloon glow at Tri-State Aero at Evansville Regional. Contact Gary McDowell, 812/853-1891, or visit the Web site.

Clinton, Iowa. Balloons in June takes place June 23 through 25 at Clinton Municipal (CWI). Features a mass ascension each morning and evening, and night glows. For more information, visit the Web site.

Terrell, Texas. The Ercoupe Owners Club National Convention takes place June 22 through 25 at Terrell Municipal (TRL). Annual reunion of the Ercoupes. Contact Melissa Hardin, 972/524-1601.

To submit an event to the calendar or to search all events visit AOPA Online. For airport details, see AOPA's Airport Directory Online.

The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Jacksonville, Florida, and Portland, Maine, July 15 and 16. Clinics are also scheduled in Pittsburgh, and Memphis, Tennessee, July 22 and 23. For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the CFI Refresher Online.

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