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AOPA News RSS feed

RSS feeds are now streaming from AOPA's Web site. That means you can be the first to see general aviation news and everything else new posted to - as soon as it appears.

What's RSS? Well, think of it as a headline service beaming into your desktop or browser. You choose what you want to see (there are thousands of RSS feeds out there, including ours). If you see one of these symbols - RSS , XML , or Feed icon - it means the Web site is RSS-enabled. Simply click on the symbol to see and add any of the available feeds.

We're currently offering two feeds. AOPA News gives you a headline and a summary of every news story we post on the AOPA home page and AOPA members home page. What's New @ AOPA Online gives you all the news, plus everything else new or updated.

Here are simple instructions on how to take advantage of the AOPA RSS feeds.

June 30, 2006

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