Next Saturday AOPA will play host to a record number of display aircraft from general aviation manufacturers. Try 50. Or maybe even more.
Visit us in Frederick, Maryland, for the sixteenth annual AOPA Fly-In and Open House on Saturday, June 3. Besides the aircraft display, visit 100 aviation exhibits and take in some valuable seminars.
Plus, don't miss your chance to listen to and meet AOPA President Phil Boyer, AOPA Pilot columnist Rod Machado, and pilot-adventurer Erik Lindbergh, grandson of Charles Lindbergh.
For complete details, see the Fly-In Web page. If you are planning on flying to the event, make sure you download and read the fly-in procedures. Also, the AOPA Air Safety Foundation has prepared, in its "Now Featuring" section, a plethora of resources to make your fly-in trip safer.
May 26, 2006