Does your airport need funds for repairs or expansion? The FAA is working to ensure that the eligible airports that need Airport Improvement Program funding most get it. The agency bases the amount of funding it gives to each airport in part on the number of based aircraft and operations it has. To ensure that number is accurate, the FAA asked GCR and Associates, a company that it has contracted with since 1995, to collect the N number and aircraft type of based aircraft at every airport. Airport managers will be gathering this information. You do not need to supply your name or address. The FAA will not use the N number information to check aircraft registration.
"AOPA contacted the FAA to find out whether this move would compromise the privacy of our members," said AOPA Vice President of Airports Bill Dunn. "The FAA's chief counsel says the information falls under the Federal Privacy Act, which means the data collected cannot be shared. Additionally, the FAA has assured us that the information will be used solely to verify the number of aircraft at an airport so that federal funds can be properly appropriated."
November 20, 2006