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AOPA opposition halts development around N.C. airport

AOPA opposition halts development around N.C. airport

The town of Beaufort, North Carolina, has imposed a 120-day moratorium, effective September 25, to halt incompatible residential development near Michael J. Smith Field. That move comes in part because of AOPA's opposition to the development. In June, AOPA urged city officials to enforce existing state and local statutes to prevent a developer from building condominiums in the runway protection zone (RPZ) of Runway 3. The association also informed the city of FAA guidelines that prohibit such developments within RPZs. According to the "Jacksonville Daily News," the town's planning board has until December 1 to develop a plan that will balance the pilots' and public's safety with the rights of property owners. AOPA is working with the Beaufort-Morehead City Airport Authority and has offered to help the town develop a compatible land-use policy.

October 6, 2006

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