The FAA has determined that the Sunroad Centrum Building 1 Project, which is currently under construction less than one mile from Montgomery Field in San Diego, California, is an obstruction and a hazard to air navigation. AOPA and San Diego Deputy City Attorney David E. Miller have urged the city to issue a "stop work order" immediately. In addition to violating federal regulations, the building construction also violates city and state codes. AOPA explained to the city that continued construction would break the city's contract it made with the FAA when it accepted federal funds from the Airport Improvement Program. It also could have serious consequences for the city, including a loss of any future airport development aid from the FAA. The grant obligations already in place for Montgomery Field require compatible land use and the removal and prevention of airport hazards. If the city loses its grant funding, Brown Field, which the city of San Diego also sponsors, could be negatively impacted.
October 27, 2006