States and communities continue to recognize the importance of general aviation and the detrimental effect user fees and the FAA's proposed 50-cent avgas tax hike would have not only on the GA industry, but the economy.
For example, the Kansas State University Student Governing Association passed a resolution specifically opposing an avgas tax hike and user fees, citing its longstanding tradition of flight training and efforts to keep the cost of education affordable. The students then sent the statement to FAA Administrator Marion Blakey and Kansas senators and representatives, among others.
In Alaska, where GA is often a primary means of transportation, the House passed a resolution that opposed the FAA's funding proposal, and the Alaska Senate is currently considering a similar resolution. The city of Cordova, Alaska, also adopted its own measure against the proposal.
Meanwhile, the Florida Senate honored GA with its own week, April 17 to 23, 2007. The resolution for General Aviation Week stated that the industry accounted for 85 percent of all aircraft operations in Florida; its airports provide nearly $90 billion annually in economic activity; and the state has the largest flight training industry in the United States.
Other national and local organizations have also added their nod for GA in the FAA funding debate by joining AOPA members as a part of the Alliance for Aviation Across America.
May 4, 2007