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Some WAAS approaches temporarily out in Northeast

Some WAAS approaches temporarily out in Northeast

If you're planning a flight in New England, take note that there will temporarily be no vertical guidance for GPS and WAAS (Wide Area Augmentation System) LPV approaches in that region. Starting Monday, April 16, the FAA will take one of four WAAS satellites out of service for one week for maintenance. Download an advance list of the airports with affected LPV approaches and view a graphic of the outage area. "We anticipate that this will be a one-time event," said Randy Kenagy, AOPA senior director of strategic planning. "Pilots should check notams before flight and have a backup precision approach on hand in case the weather is too low for a nonprecision GPS approach." AOPA has been a strong advocate of WAAS because the system has the capability to bring precision approaches to every general aviation airport.

April 13, 2007

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