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California Assembly targets Santa Monica, again

California Assembly targets Santa Monica, again

It's back. Assemblyman Ted Lieu has filed a bill nearly identical to one AOPA members helped defeat last year that would require yet another environmental study at Santa Monica Municipal Airport. The Assembly Transportation Committee is scheduled to hear the bill on Monday, April 23. Apparently the seven previous environmental studies haven't been enough. This year's version, Assembly Bill 700, would require the State Air Resources Board to study air pollution at the airport by collecting taxi and idle times of jets and turboprops at the airport for one year. "It's important to fight this bill for two reasons," said Greg Pecoraro, AOPA vice president of regional affairs. "First, Santa Monica has to be protected from this study serving as an excuse to restrict airport operations. We also have to prevent California from establishing this combination of studies and airport restrictions that could be used across the state." AOPA members contacted their legislators and killed last year's bill, and AOPA will call on them again to kill this one before it leaves the committee.

April 20, 2007

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