AOPA's 2007 Sweepstakes Catch-A-Cardinal stole the show at AOPA Expo's aircraft display at Hartford Brainard. Pilots lined up to look at the 1977 Cessna 177B's new panel and leather interior and get a whiff of that new plane smell.
Bill Schoen of Madison, Conn., owns a 1978 retractable-gear Cardinal but said he would gladly sell it if he won the 2007 sweepstakes aircraft.
The Cardinal is nearly complete, so AOPA members got a good look at what might be delivered to one of them early next year: flawless paint scheme, custom-painted propeller, leather seats with trendy black and red stripes down the middle, and of top importance to pilots: a state-of-the-art panel.
Read more about the restoration of the Cardinal on AOPA Online.
October 6, 2007