The Minnesota House Public Safety and Civil Justice Committee has passed aircraft insurance legislation that is more affordable for pilots and does not put flying an aircraft in the same liability category as handling dynamite. AOPA members had strongly opposed a previous measure that proposed dramatic increases. "Our members did a fantastic job voicing their opposition to their senators and representatives," said Greg Pecoraro, AOPA vice president of regional affairs. "The legislators are listening." AOPA worked closely with state legislators to lower the minimum liability coverage levels from the proposed $250,000 per seat to $100,000 per seat. This move brings the levels more in line with what most aircraft owners pay for insurance. As for the liability issue, the revised legislation calls for a study group, which would include aircraft owner and pilot representation, to research the issue, develop a recommendation, and report back to the legislature in November. But AOPA won't let its guard down - the House and Senate still need to agree to these changes. "We'll ensure that our members receive fair treatment during the study," Pecoraro said. If this measure is enacted into law, it will not go into effect until January 1, 2009.
March 23, 2007