By AOPA ePublishing staff
The right zoning around an airport keeps pilots safe and neighbors happy; the wrong zoning can kill a valuable asset. Because local governments play the leading role in land-use decisions, AOPA partnered with Washington State Aviation Director John Sibold and AOPA member Mayor Conrad Bowers of Bridgeton, Mo., to help city officials understand their role in airport planning.
The team worked with city officials nationwide during an informational session on Nov. 16 at the National League of Cities annual conference in New Orleans.
"We explained to city leaders the value of having a GA airport in their community, and the need to adopt proper land-use planning procedures to protect those airports," said Stacy Swigart, AOPA Airport Support Network director. "Planning can prevent residential encroachment, which often leads to noise complaints and airport operation restrictions or closure."
During the session, AOPA also gave the officials information about its Airport Support Network, Airport Watch, and copies of the Local Airports: Access to America DVD designed to build public support for airports.
November 20, 2007