The AOPA Air Safety Foundation is now accepting applications for the ExxonMobil Lubricants Academic Aviation Scholarships and A&P Scholarships.
Two scholarship awards of $2,000 each will be granted to college juniors or seniors enrolled in a curriculum leading to a degree in an aviation field.
An additional two scholarships of $2,000 each will be granted to students enrolled in an accredited aviation maintenance technician (A&P) certification program.
ExxonMobil contributed the grants to the Air Safety Foundation, which will administer the scholarship fund. The company will make additional contributions to the fund based on sales of their latest piston-engine aviation oil, Exxon Elite 20W-50.
"In contributing these scholarships, ExxonMobil Lubricants is making a commitment to the future of aviation," said Bruce Landsberg, ASF executive director, "and they are taking a positive step toward addressing the critical shortage of qualified aviation mechanics."
Applicants for either scholarship must maintain a 3.25 or better grade point average on a 4.0 scale and will be required to submit a 250-word essay.
ExxonMobil Academic Aviation Scholarship applicants must be a junior or senior with at least one semester/quarter to be completed after September 1, 2000. A&P Scholarship applicants must also have at least one semester/quarter to be completed after September 1.
The application deadline for the ExxonMobil scholarships is July 31, 2000. Additional details and requirements are available on AOPA Online or by calling 800/638-3101.
The nonprofit AOPA Air Safety Foundation conducts general aviation safety research, produces educational materials, and provides courses—most of them free—for continuing pilot education nationwide.
It is funded by donations from individual pilots and from organizations that support the cause of improved general aviation safety.
May 2, 2000