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New SPA 'Water Landing Directory' is 'seaplane friendly'

New SPA 'Water Landing Directory' is 'seaplane friendly'

The just-issued sixth edition of the Seaplane Pilot Association's Water Landing Directory includes completely updated information on the hundreds of water landing locations in all 50 states and adds a special feature: "seaplane friendliness."

"It's the new plastic spiral binding," said SPA Executive Director Mike Volk. "The old metal binding scratched seaplane paint and tended to rust in a water environment. It's one of those small details that landplane pilots wouldn't worry about, but SPA members appreciate." The front and back covers of the 224-page comprehensive directory are also coated with water-repellent plastic material.

The 2000 edition of the Water Landing Directory features improved readability and separates listings of private or personal-use water landing areas from public-use facilities. Listings are organized by state and include federal, state, and local waterway use regulations. For the first time this year, regulatory information has been translated from "legalese" to plain English.

Also included in the new directory is valuable data on fuel and Customs availability, improved cross-country planning maps, and a summary of Canadian regulations for seaplane operators. In recognition of the fast-changing nature of flight information, SPA has also added a supplemental directory update service via its Web site.

"Supplements appear on the SPA Web site almost as quickly as changes occur," said Volk. "It makes it easy for seaplane pilots to keep their hardcopy directory current."

SPA's Water Landing Directory is the only annual guide offering seaplane pilots both facility and regulatory information for all 50 states. Its 5.75-inch by 8.5-inch size and spiral binding makes it equally easy to use in the cockpit or on the kitchen table for reference and preflight planning.

The 2000 Water Landing Directory is available to SPA members for $19 and to non-members for $38, both plus shipping. Orders may be placed by calling SPA toll-free at 888/SPA-8923 (888/772-8923), by mail to Seaplane Pilots Association, 421 Aviation Way, Frederick, MD 21701, or through the SPA Web site.

The 7,200-member Seaplane Pilots Association was founded in 1972 and works to keep seaplane flying safe, fun, and as inexpensive as possible. In recent years, SPA has stepped up efforts to fight regulations that could unnecessarily restrict water flying.


July 10, 2000

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