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NTSB runway incursion recommendations include AOPA suggestions

NTSB runway incursion recommendations include AOPA suggestions

The National Transportation Safety Board yesterday gave the FAA a list of recommendations on how to prevent runway incursions. Included in that list was a recommendation AOPA has been advocating for years: Change FAR 91.129 (i) to require a pilot to get specific clearance before taxiing across each runway.

In 1998, AOPA Air Safety Foundation Executive Director Bruce Landsberg chaired an FAA subcommittee that also recommended improving painted "hold short" lines and other "low-tech" solutions to preventing incursions. [See " Runway incursion subcommittee makes recommendations to FAA, Air Safety Foundation already taking action."]

Yesterday NTSB Chairman Jim Hall said that the FAA should immediately proceed with such low-cost or no-cost solutions.

AOPA's Dennis Roberts, vice president and executive director of government and technical affairs, is co-chairman of the FAA/Industry Runway Incursion Joint Safety Implementation Team. AOPA President Phil Boyer is the only GA representative on the FAA administrator's Runway Safety Management Team.


June 14, 2000

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