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AOPA ePilot Flight Training Edition - Volume 8, Issue 17

Volume 8, Issue 17 • April 25, 2008

In this issue:
FAA proposes 22 changes to sport pilot rule
Test your knowledge of air masses and fronts
Flight schools, FBOs urged to inform pilots of ADIZ

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Training Tips

After taking your presolo written test and the knowledge test for your pilot certificate, be sure to review the subjects associated with any incorrect answers.

This is no formality. It's required for your presolo written test under Federal Aviation Regulation 61.87(b). That rule addresses itself to your instructor and directs, "At the conclusion of the test, review all incorrect answers with the student before authorizing that student to conduct a solo flight."

Christopher L. Parker described the complete presolo written test process in the May 2008 AOPA Flight Training feature "Earning Your Wings." "This is a review, administered by your instructor, and then corrected to 100 percent. Here you'll demonstrate that you have satisfactory knowledge of the applicable sections of FAR parts 61 (certification of pilots) and 91 (general operating and flight rules), the airspace rules and procedures for the airport where your solo flight will take place, and the flight characteristics and operational limitations of the airplane you'll fly."

Correcting your recreational, private, or sport pilot knowledge test to 100 percent-in terms of your command of the subject matter involved, as you won't get a second look at questions you missed-is a critical element in preparing for your flight test. Page 4 of the FAA's Recreational Pilot and Private Pilot Knowledge Test Guide explains why: "The Airman Knowledge Test Report must be presented to the examiner prior to taking the practical test. During the oral portion of the practical test, the examiner is required to evaluate the noted areas of deficiency." Use the subject matter knowledge codes associated with your incorrect answers to brush up for your oral quizzing. Remember, your knowledge test report will tell you only the areas that were deficient, not specific test questions. So make sure to have the subjects down pat!

Almost every pilot trainee will have some follow-up work to do. According to FAA testing statistics for 2006, the average private pilot knowledge-test score was 84.69 percent, well above the minimum passing grade of 70 percent. What was the overall pass rate for the test?

The correct answer is: 92.59 percent.

Your Partner in Training

It's that time again-spring, when birds are looking for every available nook and cranny in which to build a nest. When conducting a preflight, be thorough in searching for these unwanted passengers. Birds have been known to nest inside tail cones, stabilizers, and cowlings, so replace those cowl plugs when you're finished! For more information, see the AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Hot Spot.

Do you have a question? Call the experienced pilots in AOPA's Pilot Information Center at 800/USA-AOPA. They're available to take your calls weekdays 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Eastern. As an AOPA Flight Training Member, you have access to all of the features within AOPA Online and AOPA Flight Training Online. Login information is available online.

Flight Training News

In the almost four years since the sport pilot rule was implemented, the pilot community and the FAA have gained a lot of practical experience. Now the FAA has used that experience to develop 22 proposed changes to the rule that would affect aircraft, pilots, and procedures. For example, the proposed changes would alter altitude limitations—now set at a maximum of 10,000 feet mean sea level—to include an above ground level limitation. This would increase the operating window for pilots who live in mountainous terrain. Another change to the rule would allow the use of light sport aircraft in Part 141 flight training programs. Read more on AOPA Online.

Denver meteorologist and private pilot Chris Dunn has launched a new Web site, The Flying Weatherman. Dunn said he launched the site to give students and pilots a place to learn and ask questions about weather. The site, a work in progress, includes articles on popular topics such as density altitude, fog formation, and weather charts. Dunn is chief meteorologist for KDVR TV Fox 31 in Denver. In 2005 he received an AOPA Max Karant Journalism award for a television report on Colorado Angel Flight.

CP Aviation of Santa Paula, Calif., is offering a scholarship for unusual attitude and aerobatic training through the International Aerobatic Club (IAC). The scholarship, valued at $2,300, covers training in stall/spin awareness, in-flight emergencies, and basic aerobatics. The course will be taught in a Citabria and a Decathlon. The recipient must be a private pilot and an IAC member to qualify. The deadline to submit applications is June 15. For more information or to download an application, see the Web site.

A joint venture between a consulting firm and Bangkok Airways in Thailand will produce a new flight school to be based on the Commercial Airline Pilot Training (CAPT) Program model. The venture was announced by Jackson Group Consultants, a subsidiary of Flight Training Services International, which operates the CAPT program in Florida. The school will be modeled on CAPT, emphasizing crew concepts, journaling, pre- and postflight briefing, use of cockpit cameras, and scenario-based training. It is slated to open Nov. 1 at Sukhothai Airport in Sukhothai province. The facility will operate 25 single-engine airplanes and two jets.

Inside AOPA

What does a high-pressure system mean for your flying? What's a good rule of thumb for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit? Can a front affect your fuel reserves? The answers to these questions and many more can be found in the AOPA Air Safety Foundation's latest interactive online course, Weather Wise: Air Masses and Fronts . The course looks at the forces that drive the weather on a grand scale: air mass characteristics, high- and low-pressure systems, and fronts. The goal is to help you understand how these elements interact to create weather. In the process you'll get a better grasp of the "big picture" and the knowledge you'll need to make better flying decisions. The course takes about 60 minutes to complete, but your progress is saved so you can come back to it whenever you like.

Following two high-profile incursions into the Washington, D.C., Air Defense Identification zone, the AOPA Air Safety Foundation has reached out to more than 1,300 flight schools and fixed-base operators within 400 miles of the Washington, D.C., area. The foundation sent packets containing bright orange warning posters, ADIZ requirements, operating procedures, and contact frequencies. Foundation Executive Director Bruce Landsberg urged flight schools and FBO employees to talk to pilots to make sure they know the rules for operating in the ADIZ. See the complete story on AOPA Online.

This week we have all the answers. Visit the sweepstakes home page as we answer all your questions about AOPA's 2008 Get Your Glass Sweepstakes airplane. Learn the answers to these and other questions: What is the airplane's useful load? What's it like flying the Aspen Avionics EFD1000 primary flight display? How do the vortex generators affect stall characteristics?

You know that you automatically earn reward points every time you use your AOPA WorldPoints credit card from Bank of America. But do you know how easy it is to redeem those rewards? You can do it in five minutes or less with a phone call to 800/434-8313 or a visit to the WorldPoints Web site. In fact, many rewards, including cash, can be redeemed 24/7. Read more on AOPA Online.

To make the most of your membership and allow us to serve you better, please visit AOPA Online and update your personal member profile.

Training Products

Looking for a quick way to find out what rental aircraft are available near you? Is there a flight school that offers light sport aircraft? What about getting checked out in an airplane at your vacation destination? Where can you find a taildragger to get a tailwheel endorsement? might have some answers. The site features a searchable database said to cover the United States.

Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by ePilot editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.

Final Exam

Question: Do airplanes have paper titles?

Answer: Unlike cars, aircraft do not have paper titles. Although the owner does have legal title of the aircraft, there is not a piece of paper called a "title" that conveys ownership of the aircraft. Rather, the bill of sale and the aircraft registration prove title, which in aviation means "legal ownership." These documents are filed with the FAA Aircraft Registry in Oklahoma City, Okla. Before you purchase an aircraft, AOPA recommends a title search. The items checked include the registration form (form 8050-1), the aircraft bill of sale (form 8050-2), liens, judgments, and foreclosures on U.S.-registered aircraft.

Got a question for our technical services staff? E-mail to [email protected] or call the Pilot Information Center, 800/872-2672. Don't forget the online archive of "Final Exam" questions and answers, searchable by keyword or topic.

Picture Perfect

Looking for some really fabulous aviation photography? All the air-to-air photos and beautifully detailed ground images used by AOPA Pilot magazine over the years are yours at the click of a mouse button. Download your favorite images to use for wallpaper or send an e-postcard. For more details, see AOPA Online.

What's New at AOPA Online

Do crosswinds give you pause? Are you refining your landing technique, or are you still grappling with the concept? No matter what your views on crosswinds, you'll enjoy the tips and insights shared by AOPA members and staff. Don't miss the crosswind commentary provided by AOPA Pilot and AOPA Flight Training editors on our new blog, "Reporting Points."

Weekend Weather
ePilot Calendar

Cincinnati, Ohio. Lunken Airport Days and Warbird Fly-In takes place April 26 and 27 at Cincinnati Municipal Lunken Field (LUK). For more information, contact Cheryl Popp, 513/489-2022, or visit the Web site.

Jackson, Miss. An airfest and airshow takes place April 26 at Hawkins Field (HKS). For more information, call 601/939-5631 or visit the Web site.

Galveston, Texas. The eighteenth annual Spirit of Flight Airshow takes place April 26 and 27 at Scholes International at Galveston (GLS). For more information, contact Elizabeth Smith, 409/740/7722, or visit the Web site.

Burlington, N.C. A spring vintage aircraft fly-in takes place May 2 through 4 at Burlington-Alamance Regional (BUY). For more information, contact Jim Wilson, 843/753-7138.

East Gull Lake, Minn. The Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association annual spring fly-in and safety seminar takes place May 2 through 4 at East Gull Lake (9Y2). For more information, contact the Minnesota Seaplane Pilots Association, 651/210-1220, or visit the Web site.

Abilene, Texas. A Dyess Big Country Airfest takes place May 3 at Dyess AFB (DYS). For more information, contact 7th Bomb Wing Public Affairs, 325/696-2863, or visit the Web site.

San Diego, Calif. The Fleet Week San Diego Sea and Air Parade takes place May 3 at San Diego Bay. For more information, visit the Web site.

Anchorage, Alaska. The Alaska State Aviation Trade Show and Conference takes place May 3 and 4 at Ted Stevens Anchorage International (ANC). For more information, contact Dee Hanson, 907/245-1251, or visit the Web site.

To submit an event to the calendar or to search all events visit AOPA Online. For airport details, including FBO fuel prices, see AOPA's Airport Directory Online.

The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in Pensacola, Fla., Kansas City, Mo., and Houston, May 3 and 4; and Sacramento, Calif., Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., and Albany, N.Y., May 17 and 18. For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. Can't make it in person? Sign up for the CFI Refresher Online.

AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars are scheduled in Boise, Idaho, and Cheswick, Pa., April 28; New Cumberland, Pa., and Salt Lake City, April 29; Towson, Md., and Bethlehem, Pa., April 30; Plymouth Meeting, Pa., May 1; Poughkeepsie, N.Y., May 5; Cohoes, N.Y., May 6; Syracuse, N.Y., May 7; and Rochester, N.Y., May 8. The topic is "Top 5 Mistakes Pilots Make." For details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.

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