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AOPA Project Pilot

AOPA Project Pilot provides members with the tools to find viable flight-training candidates and support them as student pilots with the wisdom and encouragement of experienced pilots through mentoring. A student with a Project Pilot Mentor is three times more likely to successfully complete his or her training. This exciting program is available free to all AOPA members. You don’t have to be a CFI to participate. All it takes is someone who wants to share the joy of general aviation and a few minutes a week to help a student along.

Introduce an AOPA Project Pilot student to flying with Sporty’s DVD

As an AOPA Project Pilot mentor, taking that first step to introduce a non-pilot to the basics of flying isn’t always easy and supplemental instruction might be necessary. There are tools available to non-pilots who may learn more from an entertaining and informative program—such as Sporty’s new DVD Introduction to Flying, which takes the mystery out of flying for the non-pilot by exploring how flying works—for both visual and instrument flight. From preflight through takeoff and landing and all the way to engine shutdown, the program explains it all, including aircraft control, radio communications, and what to do in case of an emergency.

The DVD is available for $29.95 and may be ordered through the Sporty’s Web site or by calling Sporty’s at 800-SPORTYS or 513-735-9000. Introduction to Flying is also available for download online from a PC, Mac, or iPod.

Please send us your exciting and unusual student/mentor stories. We also welcome your photos. Although we can’t guarantee publication, we encourage you to e-mail photos to [email protected] or call 800-USA-AOPA (800-872- 2672). For more information or to nominate someone for AOPA Project Pilot, please go to the Web site.

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