As “Capt.” Tom Haines strapped into N21YP’s left seat, AOPA Pilot staff chalked it up to yet another adventure of our boss and editor in chief, who recently earned his single-pilot jet type rating. But watching Haines’ first flight in the Eclipse 500 touched a chord. Ride along when he unleashes the horses and slices through the flight levels, letting ATC know “Yankee Papa can accept FL400.” Sit back and relax while cruising at a cool Mach 0.634. See the video and slides of the synoptic panel display.
May 19, 2007, AOPA Pilot sent writers and photographers to 11 airports across America. Their stories, told in the August 2007 issue, spawned the series chronicling a day in an airport’s life. Recently, associate editor Ian Twombly trekked south to observe Florida’s busiest little seaplane base. See the slideshow and experience the original interactive piece. Thanks to Airport Support Network volunteers and airport and FBO managers who provided access for the stories.
Find out how doctors at the University of Alabama-Birmingham hospital saved Skip Monaghan’s life and helped him get back in the sky. See the video courtesy of UAB.
Dropping from an aircraft by parachute? Sure. Dropping an aircraft by parachute? Enter Ballistic Recovery Systems (BRS) and see video of incredible saves.
AOPA Pilot’s “Reporting Points” blog. Have you flown in Alaska? Associate Editor Jill Tallman crosses that wish off of her bucket list. Compare flights and post your comments on flying in Alaska. Which airports are considered pretty, which ones pretty dangerous? Senior Editor Al Marsh discovers the prettiest and most dangerous airports in the world. Remember to add your own comments.
Challenge yourself, your friends, and family. You are the key person to introduce non-fliers to the wonderful experience of flying. Get on board, go online, read the message, and present it loud and clear to the world: Dreaming of flying? Ready to start? Already training? Get all the information needed on this new dedicated Web site.