Sen. John McCain’s surprise choice of running mate, Gov. Sarah Palin of Alaska, has a positive association with general aviation.
Considering that GA is the primary form of long-distance transportation in the forty-ninth state, it’s not surprising that Gov. Palin has taken a stand on the user fee issue. In May 2007, she signed a resolution in opposition to the FAA’s plan to increase avgas taxes, impose user fees, and slash airport funding. AOPA and the Alaska Airmen’s Association had worked together to move the resolution through the Alaska legislature.
There is a family connection as well. Palin’s husband, Todd, is an AOPA member and Super Cub owner.
But neither presidential campaign has yet published a position on general aviation issues. So, AOPA has sent each candidate a questionnaire. Responses from Sens. McCain and Obama about FAA funding, air traffic control, GA security, the environment, and their personal experiences with GA will be published in the November issue of AOPA Pilot. (Don’t worry, the magazine will be in your mailbox weeks before you cast your ballot.)
“AOPA doesn’t endorse presidential candidates, but we do give you as much information as possible so that you can weigh the candidates’ stands on general aviation with the other issues that are important to you,” said AOPA President Phil Boyer.