The National Transportation Safety Board (NTSB) wants to increase the number of events that require immediate notification, some of which are already reported by pilots to the FAA.
In comments filed Dec. 8 with the agency, AOPA asked the NTSB to be more specific about its reporting requests to prevent confusion. AOPA also asked the agency to avoid creating duplicate reporting requirements.
Among the events the NTSB wants pilots to report are the loss of more than 50 percent of the certified electronic primary displays, incidents in which evasive action is required to maintain separation from other aircraft while on an instrument flight plan, and runway incursions that result in immediate crew action to avoid a conflict. That last item would apply only to air carriers, not GA pilots.
“The proposed changes have not gone far enough to alleviate confusion and decrease duplicative reporting efforts,” said Robert Hackman, AOPA senior director of regulatory affairs.
AOPA provided recommendations for more specific language that could reduce confusion over reporting requirements.