The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association has appointed Lance Nuckolls director of regulatory and certification policy.
"Lance is passionate about general aviation. Through the years, he has worked at the grass roots to help preserve the rights of GA pilots," said Dennis Roberts, AOPA vice president and executive director of government and technical affairs. "Now, he can bring that passion and the benefit of his experience to the national level."
At AOPA, Nuckolls will be responsible for advocating the association's positions on aircraft certification and maintenance regulations (including airworthiness directives), environmental issues such as aircraft emissions and alternative fuels, airman certification and operating regulations, and medical certification.
Nuckolls was with Avemco Insurance Company for 21 years, where (among other duties) he provided safety risk analysis to FBOs, flight schools, and corporate flight departments.
Based in the Chicago area, Nuckolls was active in local pilots' organizations. He was an instrumental member of the "users group" that helped develop the Chicago Class B airspace design in the late 1980s. Arguing against the then-traditional "upside-down wedding cake" design, Nuckolls lobbied to make the airspace more usable by VFR pilots.
Nuckolls has been a popular speaker on aviation safety and insurance matters at many local and national conferences.
A 3,800-hour CFI, he has flown more than 100 different aircraft. He has owned aircraft ranging from an Aeronca Champ and an L-19 "Bird Dog" to a C35 Bonanza. He has helped build experimental aircraft such as a Quickie Q200 and an Avid Flyer and has assisted in the reconstruction of classic aircraft such as a Luscombe 8A.
"I've dedicated my life to aviation," said Nuckolls. "It's been both my vocation and avocation. I can understand the effect of the FAA's actions from the perspective of a pilot, a CFI, and an aircraft owner."
Lance Nuckolls is a graduate of Middle Tennessee State University with a degree in political science.
Originally from Cherry Valley, Illinois, he and his wife Saskia reside in Frederick, Maryland.
The 355,000-member Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association is the world's largest civil aviation organization. More than one half of the nation's pilots are AOPA members.
January 26, 2000