By AOPA ePublishing staff
Ten years after the first Airport Support Network volunteer was recruited to be AOPA’s local eyes and ears, the program has a record number of participants.
The ASN program starts 2008 with 1,916 volunteers located at airports nationwide, including more than 200 volunteers who have been with the program since its inception. AOPA ASN volunteers gather community support, promote their airports, and stay alert for potential problems, such as incompatible development. When a problem does arise, they work with AOPA headquarters staff, area pilots, local politicians, and others to resolve it.
But airports don’t have to be in trouble to benefit from having an ASN volunteer.
“By helping maintain an airport’s positive image through community events, open houses, and political activism, volunteers ensure that their airports are valued by the broader community,” said Stacy Platone Swigart, director of the ASN program.
Does your airport need an ASN volunteer? Find out.
January 9, 2008