As pilots of technologically advanced aircraft are discovering, managing all of the navigation databases in a modern cockpit can be a challenge. Garmin International this week announced at least a partial solution through flyGarmin, a Web site designed to help pilots manage Garmin database information and simplify the process of updating and purchasing databases.
“Product capabilities have dramatically increased over the past few years as we have introduced new features such as terrain, FliteCharts, SafeTaxi, AOPA’s Airport Directory, and obstacle data into our products,” said Gary Kelley, Garmin’s vice president of marketing. “We developed flyGarmin to help pilots keep track of their Garmin aviation devices and make the overall database update experience as easy as possible.”
The flyGarmin home page gives a quick synopsis of the owner’s registered products and whether the databases are current. If a database needs to be updated, users can purchase one-time downloads or annual subscriptions directly from the site and install the database.
flyGarmin eliminates the requirement for “unlock codes.” By clicking the “databases” tab, owners will see detailed information about the five databases available on Garmin aviation products—FliteCharts, SafeTaxi, AOPA’s Airport Directory, Jeppesen NavData, and Obstacles and Terrain—and whether the databases are up to date.
The “portables” tab shows a picture of the portable device, unit ID number, and database information. The “aircraft” tab associates the pilot’s aircraft with the airplane’s panel-mount avionics, such as the G1000 or GNS 430, and that device’s database history.
flyGarmin is available immediately to Garmin aviation customers in the United States, United Kingdom, and Ireland. In September, flyGarmin will be available to the rest of Europe and Australia.