There are only two ways to reach the island of Tangier, Va., located in the middle of Chesapeake Bay—by boat or by small plane. The 2,950-foot runway at the isolated island’s airport is overdue for repairs, so airport users manned a booth at the AOPA Fly-In and Open House on June 7. Although the airport has no based pilots, two volunteers who enjoy visiting the island staffed the booth, urging fellow pilots to make the trip for fabulous fresh crab and other seafood, explaining the runway rehabilitation project, and handing out some 1,000 brochures about the airport. “It’s great to see pilots reaching out to promote a unique airport,” said Woody Cahall, AOPA vice president of the Pilot Information Center. “The island is celebrating its 400th anniversary this year, and the runway certainly needs the help.” Airport supporters have so far raised about $20,000 of the $65,000 needed to repair the runway.