Robert J. Milanchus has been appointed vice president of development at the AOPA Air Safety Foundation.
Milanchus will be responsible for financial support for foundation programs of safety research and continuing pilot education. Air Safety Foundation work is supported primarily by donations from individual pilots and gifts from foundations and corporations interested in furthering general aviation safety.
The new Air Safety Foundation vice president comes to ASF with more than 30 years management experience plus a strong background in corporate and private fundraising.
He was formerly director of development for the Washington County Health System, Inc. in nearby Hagerstown, Maryland. There, he coordinated capital projects, gift programs, grant applications, and special events. He was previously with Sacred Heart University in Bridgeport, Connecticut, and the State University of New York at Stony Brook.
Milanchus has a degree in speech education and broadcasting arts from Youngstown State University and also attended Kent State University in Ohio for master's degree work. After graduation, he managed WKTL-FM in Struthers, Ohio.
Bob and wife Amy reside in Hagerstown, Maryland. Grown daughters live in Albany, New York, and in Alexandra, Virginia.
ASF Vice President Art Keefe will move from ASF's development position to a new vice president of planned gifts post. Keefe will specialize in estate bequests and planned giving for those who want to memorialize their lifetime of general aviation flying with a donation to future aviation safety.
March 7, 2000