AOPA is continuing to fight hard to retain an aviation exemption from the Massachusetts 5-percent sales and use tax, recently meeting with lawmakers who are likely to decide the fate of the tax exemption.
During the May 16 meetings, AOPA Manager of Legislative Affairs Joey Colleran and Regional Representative Craig Dotlo worked to educate key lawmakers and their staffs about the negative impact of repealing the exemption.
“The tax exemption has saved pilots and aircraft owners money and allowed aviation in Massachusetts to grow,” said Dotlo. “Ending that exemption could raise costs and even force pilots to travel to other states for aircraft maintenance, or to buy or sell an airplane.”
The Massachusetts House recently passed a budget bill that would end the tax exemption for aircraft and parts. The Senate is now working on its version of the bill, which is expected to retain the tax exemption, thanks in part to AOPA members who contacted their senators to support it.
The ultimate fate of the tax exemption is likely to be decided by a conference committee of negotiators from both houses. AOPA will work to protect the exemption in these final discussions.