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Houses won't be built under San Carlos traffic pattern

Property situated under the helicopter traffic pattern and less than 2,000 feet from the Runway 12/30 centerline at California’s San Carlos Airport will not be used for residential development. AOPA and local pilot organizations worked together to oppose the development proposal because it was inconsistent with the airport’s compatible land-use plan and could lead to noise complaints.

Now, an Oct. 27 vote by the San Carlos City Council will keep the land reserved for light industrial use, preventing two four-story residential buildings from being built so close to the airport.

“Allowing residential development in close proximity to an active general aviation airport such as San Carlos and within a known traffic pattern and flight corridor is not in the best interests of the public or current airport users,” AOPA wrote in a letter to the city council.

AOPA’s San Carlos Airport Support Network Volunteer Carol Ford spoke at the council meeting, expressing the views of AOPA, the San Carlos Airport Pilots Association, and the California Pilots Association.

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