The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association has chartered a new Board of Aviation Medical Advisors that includes some of the most distinguished names in aviation medicine.
The reconstituted board held its first meeting at AOPA Expo 2000 in Long Beach, California, which included a special session with Federal Air Surgeon Dr. Jon L. Jordan.
"Medical issues are a growing concern for AOPA members, and the issues are getting increasingly more complex," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "The AOPA Board of Aviation Medical Advisors will give AOPA even greater expertise and make our advocacy efforts that much stronger.
"We asked the aviation medical community to recommend the best of the best, and we got them."
Besides providing expert advice, medical board members will also assist AOPA on precedent-setting aviation medicine issues.
The new AOPA Board of Aviation Medical Advisors includes experts in aviation medicine, psychiatry, surgery, and orthopedics. The board also includes two former managers of the FAA's medical certification division.
"Dr. Jordan, the current federal air surgeon, has told us he wants to consult frequently with the AOPA Board of Aviation Medical Advisors," said Boyer.
Members of the board will also participate in medical panels at every AOPA Expo and at the AOPA Fly-In, interacting directly with AOPA members.
The members of the new AOPA Board of Aviation Medical Advisors include:
The 360,000-member Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association is the world's largest pilot organization.
Advocacy on medical certification is just one of AOPA's initiatives to reduce the regulatory burden and cost of flying for all general aviation pilots.
October 21, 2000