Do you have a Cessna Citation? The Cessna Aircraft Company would like for you to join actor Harrison Ford and other Cessna Citation customers to carry Special Olympics athletes to and from the Special Olympics in Lincoln, Neb., in July 2010.
Ford, who learned to fly 15 years ago in a Cessna, will join the Special Olympics Airlift to become one of 300 Citations heading for Lincoln. To join him, sign on to and register. Owners will donate all expenses associated with the flights, and it is hoped that owners will transport athletes both to and from the event.
Coordinating events at Duncan Aviation in Lincoln is Robert Duncan, who was first to register and will receive the call sign “Dove 1.” He will transport athletes in his soon-to-be-delivered plaid (yes, plaid) Cessna Mustang.
Ford appeared at a press conference at the National Aviation Business Association convention in October. Also speaking, and drawing applause for his remarks on the Special Olympics, was Special Olympics athlete Kyle Muzina.