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Alaska legislators honored for dedication to GA

Promoting general aviation interests has been a top priority for two Alaska lawmakers who were recognized recently by AOPA for their efforts.

At a recent Pilot Town Meeting, AOPA President Phil Boyer honored Sen. Donald Olson and Rep. Kyle Johansen for their efforts to keep general aviation in Alaska safe and affordable.

Olson pushed for a bill that created a low-interest loan program to help Alaskan aircraft owners install ADS-B equipment. ADS-B provides traffic and weather information in flight, and is especially valuable in areas like Alaska where there is little radar coverage.

Johansen, from Ketchikan, helped fend off new taxes and user fees, drafting a resolution opposing the White House plan. Thanks to his leadership, the resolution passed unanimously and was signed by Gov. Sarah Palin, sending a strong message that Alaska opposed this approach to funding the FAA.

Elizabeth Tennyson
Elizabeth A Tennyson
Senior Director of Communications
AOPA Senior Director of Communications Elizabeth Tennyson is an instrument-rated private pilot who first joined AOPA in 1998.

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