At AERO Friedrichshafen, Cessna announced it had earned FAA approval to install Garmin’s Synthetic Vision Technology (SVT) in all Garmin G1000-equipped Skyhawks, Skylanes, Stationairs, and Caravans. SVT gives the pilot an enhanced view of the surrounding topographical features—even though the airplane may be in instrument meteorological conditions.
SVT approval for Cessna’s Mustang, 350 Corvalis, and 400 Corvalis TT models is expected in the coming weeks. Papers for European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) approval have been submitted, and European certification is expected in a matter of months.
In other AERO news, Cessna said 15 SkyCatchers and two Skylanes were ordered by Paris-based Aero-Club Hispano-Suiza. Previously, the club used aging Cessna 150s as training aircraft.
Other French orders for Cessnas include a Grand Caravan purchased by the Avignon Parachute Club, plus five SkyCatchers and a 400 Corvalis TT ordered by individual buyers.