Arion Aircraft, maker of the Lightning experimental homebuilt, announced last week it received a special light sport aircraft certificate for its LS-1 Lightning light sport aircraft.
According to Arion Aircraft, the company had to work hard in testing to slow down the 140-knot Lightning to the LSA maximum. The result is a 120-knot airplane that burns five gallons per hour, according to the manufacturer. Lightning uses the Jabiru 3300 engine, an Australian design popular among LSAs.
“Meeting the strength requirements was no issue,” said Nick Otterback, Arion’s product development manager. “The existing Amateur Built airplane was designed for a 1,425-pound gross weight and tested to substantially over nine Gs at that weight. We have a very strong LSA airplane.”
The base price for the factory built LSA is $93,900, and a better-equipped model is available for about $110,000.