ForeFlight contains a full airport/facilities directory, detailed weather, approach plates, airport diagrams, the ability to file a flight plan, notams, and route and distance information in one tidy package. The program's interface couldn't be simpler. Information is obtained through a shallow network of user-friendly menus and simple forward and back buttons. With its visual appeal, ForeFlight fits perfectly into the iPhone's style.
The routing tool gives users the ability to obtain direction and distance information between two airports, as well as the most recent IFR-cleared routing. In addition to the standard A/FD information, ForeFlight adds in FBO and transportation information, further solidifying its purpose as a cross-country tool. Other great features include a "recent" screen that brings up recently viewed airports with a color-coded weather report on the side. It's a quick and easy way to check the status of an airport as you wait out the weather. Finally, the application has what the company calls "near me," a tool that allows for quick searching of close airports and other information.
ForeFlight is a powerful tool, but there are a few drawbacks. For one, a lot of the data and information has to be accessed via a network, making it only marginally useful in the cockpit and frustrating on the ground when 3G or Wifi isn't available. When those graphics do download, we wish they would interact with the accelerometer and give the biggest view possible. Finally, although almost all of the functions ForeFlight packages are available scattered online for free, the company is still pricing it well beyond the range of most iPhone apps. We note, however, that a new ap called ForeFlight File had just been released as this issue went to press. The application, which simply lets you file a flight plan, is priced at $4.99.
--Ian J. Twombly
Price: $74.99; desktop version is available