Liberty Aerospace has a deal for you. The Melbourne, Fla., based aircraft manufacturer is selling its eight demonstrators for tens of thousands of dollars below retail, and all are equipped for IFR flight.
The fully certified two-seat XL2 model normally sells for $188,000 to $210,000. The eight that are for sale are priced as follows: one at $115,000, one at $121,000, five in the $130,000 range, and one at $153,000. The XL2’s electronically controlled 125-hp Continental IOF-240 engine sips fuel at less than five gallons per hour. That’s verified from a test AOPA Pilot did in 2006 to test operating costs.
The eight aircraft differ in avionics and options such as wheel fairings. Only two do not have the gross weight increase to 1,750 pounds. Six have toe brakes and one has been upgraded to Aspen avionics. The company said it has received inquiries on the models and doubts they will be available past February.