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AOPA’s Let’s Go Flying Sweepstakes We landed a perfect airplane for a perfect cause—N130LH, a 2005 Cirrus SR22, will be AOPA’s 2009 sweepstakes airplane kicking off our Let’s Go Flying campaign. N130LH will spread the joy and utility of general aviation to the world during aviation and nonaviation events throughout the country.

AOPA’s Let’s Go Flying Sweepstakes

We landed a perfect airplane for a perfect cause—N130LH, a 2005 Cirrus SR22, will be AOPA’s 2009 sweepstakes airplane kicking off our Let’s Go Flying campaign. N130LH will spread the joy and utility of general aviation to the world during aviation and nonaviation events throughout the country. This lofty mission was made possible through the generous donation by its owner—philanthropist J. Lloyd Huck. Meet Huck and see him present AOPA with the Let’s Go Flying Cirrus SR22 keys.

A noble Baron: The Beechcraft G58

AOPA Pilot Associate Editor Ian J. Twombly recently launched the 600-horse steed for a demonstration flight. His first experience with the Baron had him comment on the healthy climb rate of 1,800 feet per minute at near maximum gross weight. Twombly briefly counted himself among proud pilots who can show off a fast, comfortable, and good-looking airplane. See why the Baron commands everyone’s envy and attention in this online video.

Sightseeing the Zeppelin way

Riding low and slow above the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz, AOPA Pilot Editor in Chief Tom Haines together with Photographer Chris Rose and Managing Editor Julie Walker joined nine other passengers on this first commercial flight of the 246-foot long N704LZ, the largest Zeppelin in the world. Imagine stretching your legs and moving around the cabin to take in spectacular views at 100 feet agl! See what it is like to fly in a Zeppelin in this online video.

Postcards: Telluride

Mingling among film stars and celebrities in Telluride, Colorado, AOPA Pilot Senior Editor Al Marsh briefly reposed in ski paradise during the Christmas holidays. Writing his story on Telluride Regional Airport for AOPA Pilot’s “America’s Airports” series, Marsh was inspired by the incredible surroundings to share the best places to eat and stay in an exclusive Postcards online presentation and slideshow.

IFR Insights—Regulations

If weather has you grounded, why not make good use of the down time by taking an AOPA Air Safety Foundation interactive course? Stay safe and on the good side of the FAA by reviewing the Federal Aviation Regulations pertaining to IFR operations. And, satisfactory course completion qualifies toward the AOPA Accident Forgiveness and FAA Wings programs.

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