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AOPA Online Members Only -- AOPA ePilot Custom Content --Vol. 6, Issue 8

The following stories from the February 20, 2004, edition of AOPA ePilot were provided to AOPA members who expressed an interest in the particular subject areas. Any AOPA member can receive information customized to their areas of interest by updating their member record file online.

My ePilot - Jet Interest
A Honeywell system for preventing runway surface accidents has received certification from the FAA. Called the Runway Awareness and Advisory System, it is easily installed as a $17,300 software upgrade to certain models of the Honeywell Enhanced Ground Proximity Warning System now on board 20,000 aircraft--typically transport, regional, or large business jets. The system provides 10 aural warnings that include position on the airport, runway distance remaining when either landing or taking off, and any attempt to take off from a taxiway such as might happen in poor visibility. There is also a warning for runways that are not long enough for a particular aircraft.

My ePilot - Instrument Interest
The FAA has updated instrument approach charts, high and low altitude en route charts, some sectional and world aeronautical charts, and Airport/Facility Directories. Make sure you have current charts before you fly. AOPA's Airport Directory Online provides the current approach charts. Click here to see the U.S. terminal procedures.

My ePilot - Student Interest, Training Tips
How would you know if your aircraft had been modified after its manufacture? What does that mean for flight planning and piloting technique? Aftermarket modifications have long been a thriving part of the general aviation industry. Some mods "require a subtle change in piloting technique. Others have more significant consequences, including specific changes in the checklist and procedures and a supplement added to the pilot's operating handbook (POH)," writes columnist Mark Twombly of his personal aircraft in "Continuing Ed: Know Your Modifications" in the September 2000 AOPA Flight Training.

Many modifications enhance the capabilities of older high-performance aircraft; a case in point is the planned transformation of the Piper Twin Comanche to be given away in AOPA's Win-a-Twin Sweepstakes, described by Thomas A. Horne in "Win-a-Twin Comanche: Remaking a Classic from the Ground Up" in the February 2004 AOPA Pilot. Single-engine airplanes are also often modified. For one popular step-up aircraft alone-the Cessna 182-some 577 supplemental type certificates (STCs) had been issued by the FAA for mods, and "the array of modifications is staggering in its scope," writes Steven W. Ells in "The Skylane Mod Market," in the December 2000 AOPA Pilot.

What about trainers? Writing about the Cessna 150/152 series in "The Last Affordable Airplane" in the August 2001 AOPA Pilot, Alton K. Marsh lists some of the common alterations to the basic airplanes: "Anticollision strobes, flap and aileron gap seals, a carburetor icing detector, a belly-mounted fuel drain, and conversions allowing aircraft to use auto gasoline. There are also improved replacements for such standard factory equipment as paper air filters, air vents, sun visors, oil screens, mixture controls, and engine starters." Trainers may be modified with more powerful engines (burning more fuel) or extra fuel capacity (reducing useful load). Remember that installed optional equipment such as wheel fairings-while not aftermarket modifications-change empty weight and published cruise speeds. Take that into account during flight planning. You may be quizzed on modifications during your flight test; see the August 9, 2002 "Training Tips."

Whether you fly the same trainer on every lesson, or take out various aircraft in the fleet, know the difference between Aircraft A and Aircraft B, and how to make best use of the special characteristics of each.

My ePilot - Student Interest, Training Products
Did you know that the FAA publishes its Aeronautical Information Manual twice a year? While other providers often give you the option of receiving change notices to their AIM publications, when you buy an AIM from Sporty's, the company sends you the most recent version, then sends you a fresh, new copy when it is updated. The cost is $26.95. For more information, call 800/SPORTYS (800/776-7897), or see the Web site.

My ePilot - Student Interest, Final Exam
Question: I moved last year, filled out a change-of-address card, and sent it in. My pilot certificate still has my previous address; and I didn't receive a new certificate. Should I have received a new certificate?

Answer: The FAA does not send a replacement certificate for a change of address unless you request one. To replace your certificate, you'll have to submit a signed, written request stating your name, date and place of birth, Social Security number and/or certificate number, and the reason for replacement. Or download a form to request a replacement. Mail to: FAA, Airmen Certification Branch, AFS-760, P.O. Box 25082, Oklahoma City, OK 73125-0082. Include a check or money order for $2 made payable to the FAA. If your current address is listed as a Post Office Box (POB), General Delivery, Rural Route, or Star Route, you must provide directions or a map for locating your residence.

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