The following stories from the March 2, 2007, edition of AOPA ePilot were provided to AOPA members who expressed an interest in the particular subject areas. Any AOPA member can receive information tailored to their areas of interest by updating their preferences online.
My ePilot – Turbine Interest
There are more than 300 orders for the Sino Swearingen SJ30 seven-passenger business jet, but a new investment of between $100 million and $200 million is needed before the $6.2 million jet can enter mass production, Taiwan media have reported. So far, Taiwan's Sino Aerospace Investment Corp. has invested $600 million, and an additional $30 million was raised from international investors. A deal with a new investor was reportedly close in December, and again in February, according to a Taiwanese government economic official, but failed to materialize. A sticking point, according to some reports, was that a U.S. Internet company wanted control of the firm in return for its investment.
My ePilot – Light Sport Aircraft Interest
Flight Design West, one of the U.S. distributors for the Flight Design CT light sport aircraft, will be having a wide-ranging CT tour this spring. The purpose of the tour is to allow potential buyers and flight schools the opportunity to take demonstration flights and learn more about the aircraft. Tom Dunham, a flight instructor and A&P with Flight Design West, will travel to each of the nine states in Flight Design West's distribution area: California, Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Arizona, Utah, Wyoming, Idaho, and Montana. The spring demo and service tour is a joint effort between Flight Design West and its West Coast dealer, Light Sport Airplanes West, Salinas, California.
My ePilot – Student Interest, Training Tips
The February 23, 2007, Training Tips examined that dynamic and busy moment when an aircraft leaves the ground and begins flying in an air mass that has motions and effects not readily noticeable with the landing gear on the ground. These effects come into play immediately as the pilot concentrates on climbing precisely to a safe altitude, then proceeding on course. It helps if this initial climb can be made straight ahead on the runway heading, using best-rate-of-climb speed (V y) or the climb airspeed recommended for your aircraft.
But if you are departing from a towered airport when traffic is heavy, that straight-ahead departure followed by a single turn on course may not be available. Your departure may include one or more vectors to fly to avoid traffic. Also, an initial turn may be requested at a lower altitude than you are used to when departing at less-busy times or when making a standard departure from a nontowered airport. (See Julie Boatman's December 2005 AOPA Pilot feature "Up and Out.")
When departing from a towered airport with early maneuvering needed, the turn instructions may come when you receive your takeoff clearance, or shortly thereafter. Suppose you are departing on Runway 33, and the tower instructs, "Cleared for takeoff, when able turn left heading 270." How should you comply? The wording of the clearance is important. According to the pilot/controller glossary in the Aeronautical Information Manual (AIM), the term when able is used with air traffic control instructions to give the pilot "latitude to delay compliance until a condition or event has been reconciled." For example, if the turn involves overflying obstructions, wait until you are satisfied that you can perform it safely, then comply promptly. Note that the AIM also states, "Once a maneuver has been initiated, the pilot is expected to continue until the specifications of the instructions have been met. 'When able' should not be used when expeditious compliance is required." See the meaning of expedite in the May 26, 2006, Training Tips article "What did that mean?"
At some busy airports, rather demanding departures are more rule than exception. Make them less hectic by having your on-course heading, altitude, and communications frequencies written down and reviewed before you taxi. Safety first—then comply readily with challenging or unexpected instructions.
My ePilot – Training Product
Student pilots learning to fly in Cessna or Piper aircraft get to know Continental or Lycoming engines as part of the learning process. But if you are training in one of the new light sport aircraft, there's likely a Rotax engine under the cowling. The newest DVD from Aviation Supplies and Academics' Freedom to Fly series provides tips and techniques for trouble-free operation of the Rotax 912 engine along with an introduction to the specific concepts important in maintaining the 912. The presentation includes an overview of the basic 912 components, a detailed review of vital engine fluids, and tips for selecting fuel and checking and changing the oil. The DVD, which was produced by sport pilot expert Paul Hamilton, runs approximately 68 minutes and includes a booklet with quick reference checklists and 17 minutes of bonus features. It sells for $49.95. Order it online or call 800/ASA2FLY.
Note: Products listed have not been evaluated by ePilot editors unless otherwise noted. AOPA assumes no responsibility for products or services listed or for claims or actions by manufacturers or vendors.
My ePilot – Student Interest, Final Exam
Question: After I complete the checkride for my private pilot certificate, how long will my temporary certificate be valid?
Answer: The temporary certificate will expire 120 days after the issue date on the certificate, upon receipt of the permanent certificate, or upon receipt of a notice that the certificate or rating you applied for has been denied or revoked. If you have not yet received a permanent certificate by the time your temporary certificate expires, contact the FAA's Airmen Certification Branch to inquire about the status of your application. Your designated pilot examiner or local FAA flight standards district office can reissue another temporary certificate that is valid until you receive your permanent certificate. A related article, "Legal Briefing: New pilot certificate," discusses the FAA's newer plastic certificate.