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AOPA Online Members Only -- AOPA ePilot--Vol. 4, Issue 46

Volume 4, Issue 46 • November 15, 2002
In this issue:
Sport pilot rule inching forward
AOPA asks for role in FSS study
AOPA battles Breaux stadium amendment

NABA Products

AOPA Legal Services Plan


Sporty's Pilot Shop

AOPA CD Special

Garmin International

AOPA Term life insurance

DTC Duat

AOPA Flight Explorer

King Schools

Comm 1 Radio Simulator

Pilot Insurance


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GA News
AOPA is fighting yet another attempt by the New Jersey legislature to pass a pilot background check and pilot ID law. New Jersey Senate Bill 1438 would require every student pilot and renter pilot operating in the state to be fingerprinted and submit to a criminal-history background check. The state would issue a photo ID card to approved pilots, and FBOs and flight schools would have to check it before allowing a pilot to take an aircraft. Pilots would have to pay for the ID card, background check, and fingerprints. "This bill is unconstitutional, unneeded, and unfair to New Jersey pilots and aviation businesses," said Andy Cebula, AOPA senior vice president of government and technical affairs. "AOPA will fight this with every means at our disposal." The state senate's Transportation Committee will hold a hearing on the bill Monday, and AOPA will be there to testify. AOPA also sent a letter to key members of the New Jersey Senate opposing the bill and detailing why it would be bad law. For more information, see AOPA Online.

While pilots await the rule that will allow them to fly a Piper Cub or other small (1,232 pounds or less) single-engine airplane without a third class medical certificate as a Sport Pilot, an industry working group has taken a small step toward finalizing standards for newly manufactured Light Sport Airplanes. The FAA says the final rule on Sport Pilot/Light Sport Aircraft may be ready for publication by mid-2003. "AOPA members continue to look forward to flying small single-engine airplanes as a Sport Pilot without a third-class medical," said Andrew Werking, associate director of regulatory and certification policy. Meanwhile, AOPA continues its efforts with others in the aviation industry through the American Society of Testing and Materials (ASTM) working group to develop the Sport Aircraft standards.

The initial delivery of six Diamond DA20-C1 Falcon aircraft to Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University for use at the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs, Colorado, took place at the Diamond Aircraft factory in London, Ontario, last week. Utilizing 35 DA20-C1 Falcon aircraft, Embry-Riddle will train as many as 500 Air Force cadets annually. The Falcon, named in honor of the U.S. Air Force Academy mascot, is a custom version of Diamond's standard two-seater.

Newly elected Hawaii Governor Linda Lingle has indicated that she is reviewing a decision by outgoing Governor Ben Cayetano to close five state airports. "This is great to see the new governor understand the importance of aviation," said AOPA President Phil Boyer. "We are excited about working with Lingle and her administration to preserve these airports and to promote general aviation in Hawaii."

For the fourth time this year, the FAA has acted on certain 540-series Lycoming engines. Under the new airworthiness directive (AD), certain owners that replaced defective bolts under the previously issued AD may be required to remove and replace the bolts once again. This time, the agency issued a final AD on Lycoming crankshaft retaining bolts. AD 2002-23-06, applicable to Lycoming AEIO-540, IO-540, LTIO-540, O-540, and TIO-540 engines with part number STD-2209 crankshaft retaining bolts installed, supercedes Emergency AD 2002-20-51 issued in early October. The new AD requires operators of engines that had crankshaft retaining bolts replaced during field overhaul or maintenance between November 27, 1996, and the present–and engines repaired at Lycoming between November 27, 1996, and November 10, 1998–to replace the defective bolt with a new retaining bolt contained in Lycoming kit number 05K19987.

Safire Aircraft Company, located in West Palm Beach, Florida, has received additional funding from a Swiss syndicate to carry development of its six-seat S-26 twin-engine personal jet through the first flight, scheduled to occur early in 2004. The original German investors remain in charge of the firm. The jet is to cost slightly more than $1 million. The selection of an engine manufacturer and a location for the manufacturing plant will be announced this year.

Cessna has discovered that water freezing inside the pressurization valve in some Encore jets has caused spikes in pressurization readings, none of which has resulted in an emergency. Cessna will move the valve at no charge to owners at the next scheduled maintenance. A Cessna spokesman said a routine service bulletin will be issued in January. The aircraft are allowed to remain in service.

For daily news updates, see AOPA�Online.
Inside AOPA
AOPA is insisting that it be part of a government study that could change the way flight service station services are provided to pilots. In personal meetings with FAA officials and in a follow-up letter, AOPA asked that it have input. "We must have a voice in this study to ensure the outcome meets the needs of general aviation pilots," said Andy Cebula, AOPA senior vice president of government and technical affairs. The study will compare the cost and value of continuing to provide FSS services by the FAA versus contracting some services to outside sources.

AOPA is asking the FAA to reduce the size of presidential temporary flight restriction areas. In a letter to FAA Administrator Marion Blakey, AOPA President Phil Boyer expressed concern over the proliferation of airspace restrictions affecting general aviation. He specifically mentioned the 10-nautical-mile TFR around Camp David in Maryland that was activated last weekend–and again this weekend. "The TFR closes Frederick's ILS system to all practice approaches and student traffic," Boyer told Blakey. "Frederick is the second busiest airport in the state. It is a magnet for business aviation and student training, and it is home to a large soaring club. TFRs like this one impact general aviation flying and flight training, air charter operations, and airport businesses." Recent TFRs surrounding presidential retreats in Texas and Maine have extended to a radius of 30 nm

Field approvals are essential to the well-being of general aviation, since many aircraft modifications, equipment installations, repairs, and restorations rely upon the FAA field-approval process. Shortly after the FAA issued a revision to its field-approval policy that was intended to improve service, the FAA's Alaska regional office interpreted the revision in a way that has effectively stopped field approvals for anyone served by its flight standards district offices. "AOPA has met with FAA officials to express our concerns that field approvals are part of the lifeblood of GA and that field-approval service must improve," said Lance Nuckolls, AOPA director of air traffic, regulatory, and certification policy. "We believe that the FAA also understands our concerns that the problem in Alaska must be resolved very quickly and satisfactorily so that it doesn't negatively impact other parts of the United States."

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On Capitol Hill
AOPA is battling an eleventh-hour effort by Louisiana Sen. John Breaux (D) to slip a stadium overflight ban into the last-minute flurry of legislative activity. In an letter sent to every member of the Senate Thursday afternoon, AOPA President Phil Boyer called Breaux's legislation "bad public policy" that would turn over the "control and regulation of airspace to private interests rather than the agencies established by Congress." Boyer said that Breaux's efforts would put the control of the nation's public airspace "in the hands of commercial and college sports interests." Breaux's legislation would take away the FAA's and Transportation Security Administration's authority to regulate airspace near sports stadiums. It is aimed at banning banner-towing aircraft, but it also has the effect of closing hundreds of general aviation airports near stadiums with a TFR each time a team plays. Major league sports teams and colleges have spent considerable resources lobbying for the legislation.

At the urging of President Bush, Republicans have taken a leadership role to pass legislation creating a new Department of Homeland Security during the post-election lame-duck session. Typically, these meetings of Congress are brief, addressing only needed actions such as passing government spending legislation. While a spending bill will be approved, Congress is also expected to approve the Homeland Security Act of 2002 that transfers the Transportation Security Administration from the Department of Transportation to the Department of Homeland Security. The House has passed the legislation, and the Senate is expected to take it up today or next week. The legislation includes an AOPA-supported provision requiring TSA to consult with the FAA on any action affecting aviation safety, aircraft airworthiness, or the use of airspace. "We wanted to ensure that the FAA remains a pivotal player in all matters pertaining to aviation efficiency and safety," explained Andy Cebula, AOPA senior vice president of Government and Technical Affairs.
Airport Support Network
AOPA's Airport Support Network is frequently asked about hangar leases and what can and can't be required of the lessee and lessor. A good lease document will try to protect the interests of both parties while complying with all local, state, and federal guidelines. Ownership of the airport (public or private) and whether it has received federal funding will have a big effect on those guidelines. A good sample lease is available on AOPA Online. Members of the AOPA Legal Services Plan get a free annual review of their hangar or tie-down lease. If your airport proposes a lease agreement that seems inappropriate, discuss it with your airport's ASN volunteer–and if your airport doesn't have one, consider volunteering today.

To nominate a Volunteer, which can be yourself, visit AOPA�Online.
AOPA�Air Safety Foundation News
The AOPA Air Safety Foundation is giving you the opportunity to learn from others. Reports on actual runway incursion incidents have been posted on AOPA Online. ASF is working with the FAA Office of Runway Safety in an effort to reduce the number of runway incursions. Through October, runway incursions were down 17 percent from last year, following a massive joint safety education program involving articles, flashcards, videotapes, and safety publications to CFIs and designated examiners.
Quiz Me!
Here's a question asked by an AOPA member last week of our AOPA technical specialists. Test your knowledge.

Question: Where can I find information on any GPS interference testing being conducted that might affect navigation on a flight that I am planning?

Answer: AOPA provides GPS Interference test information on AOPA Online. Please note that this is for informational purposes only. Pilots should always check GPS notams prior to any flight. IFR operations based upon GPS navigation should not be planned in the affected areas during the periods indicated. These operations include domestic RNAV or long-range navigation requiring GPS, as well as GPS standalone and overlay instrument approaches.

Got a technical question for AOPA specialists? Call 800/872-2672 or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected].
Coming Up in AOPA�Pilot
Fly the glass-cockpit Cirrus SR22, learn what to do when the controls stop working, and, in the used aircraft world, read about the Piper Comanche in the December issue of AOPA Pilot. It will be mailed Monday.
AOPA�Sweepstakes Waco Update
The AOPA Sweepstakes Waco UPF-7 is 99 percent done. Wing fairings, small curved-shapes of metal that fit between the wing and the fuselage, didn't fit and have been sent back for adjustments. Rare Aircraft is still awaiting field approval for installation of the Cleveland wheels and brakes. The next big step is flight testing and a break-in period for the 275-horsepower Jacobs radial engine. However, the engine-break-in period requires reasonably warm weather. Since the Waco will be housed at Rare Aircraft's Owatonna, Minnesota, facility for the winter, warm weather is difficult to find. When the first flight occurs, you will read about it here.
Picture Perfect
Jump to the AOPA Online Gallery to see the featured airplane of the day. Click on the link for details on how to capture wallpaper for your work area. See AOPA�Online.
Weekend Weather
See the current weather on AOPA�Online, provided by Meteorlogix.
ePilot Calendar
Kingsbury, Texas. The Vintage Aviation Historical Foundation Fall Fly-in takes place November 23 at Old Kingsbury Aerodrome. Pioneer Flight Museum projects will be on display. Contact Mary Riedel, 830/639-4162, or visit the Web site.

For more airport details, see AOPA's Airport Directory Online . For more events, see Aviation Calendar of Events.

(All clinics start at 7:30 a.m.)
The next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic is scheduled in Baltimore, on November 23 and 24. Clinics are also scheduled in Austin, Texas, and Denver, December 7 and 8. For the Flight Instructor Refresher Clinic schedule, see AOPA Online.

(Pinch-Hitter courses start at 9:30 a.m.)
The next Pinch-Hitter� Ground Schools will take place in Baltimore, November 24; and Denver, December 8. For more Pinch-Hitter courses, see AOPA Online.

AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars are scheduled in Scotia, New York, November 18; North Syracuse, New York, November 19; Henrietta, New York, November 20; and Cheektowaga, New York, November 21. The topic is Ups and Downs, check AOPA�Online for more information.

To make submissions to the calendar, visit AOPA Online. For comments on calendar items, e-mail [email protected].

Got news or questions? Send your comments to [email protected].

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