U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration | Office of the Regional Administrator Eastern Region | Federal Building JFK International Airport Jamaica, NY 11430 |
Airspace Case Number: 97-AEA-0061-NR
To all interested parties
Proposal : A study to establish a Permanent Laser for the Atlantic Park, downtown, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Set ups and operations to start October 25, 1997. Operations are intended to be each evening, seven days per week. All laser beams to be terminated against structures at less than 100 feet above ground. The structures are the Ceasers Parking garage to the south and the new Convention Center, under construction, ear the railway terminals to the north. This is approximately 1 mile east of the downtown Atlantic City Municipal Airport–Bader Field, New Jersey, aligned with the runway. The laser will not be an eye hazard beyond 100 feet AMSL or 900 feet laterally, from the light source. The secondary effects of temporary flash blindness or cockpit illumination may occur beyond these distances. It is intended that all beams be terminated against structures.
The site is 1 mile east of Bader public-use Airport, 8.5 miles southeast from the Atlantic City International Airport. There are also heliport locations on some downtown buildings and piers. There are low flying light aircraft and helicopters in the vicinity. The shoreline, railway, and highway systems are VFR flyways.
The Stone Mountain Productions, Inc. proposes to establish the laser on a small tower structure in Atlantic Park. The working team will have aircraft spotters and a safety officer to terminate the emissions, if required.
Stone Mountain Productions, Inc.
Attn: Mr. Greg J. Winter
5387 Manor Drive
Stone Mountain, GA 30083-3065
Approximately 1 mile east of the Atlantic City, New Jersey downtown Municipal Airport–Bader Field. In Atlantic Park, downtown Atlantic City, New Jersey. On the Atlantic City VORTAC, ACY 145° radial at 8.5 NM DME.
The FAA wishes to give all parties likely to be affected by this proposal notice of the intended operation.
Any comments should be make in writing and based on aeronautical fact.
Comments should be submitted no later than November 28, 1997, and must be directed to:
Tom Bock, ManagerThe specialist assigned to this study is Frank Jordan of the AEA-520 staff, telephone (718) 553-4521, Fax (718) 995-5687.
Tom Bock
Manager, Airspace Branch, AEA-520