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Click here to view this week's custom content online today's top storiesFuller lauds benefits for GA in NextGen planThe FAA must take advantage of existing technologies, continue to work with stakeholders, and act quickly to establish the equipment and procedures necessary to modernize the air transportation system, AOPA President Craig Fuller said in submitted testimony to the House aviation subcommittee Oct. 28. The Transportation and Infrastructure Committee's aviation subcommittee heard from representatives of government and industry in a hearing to review the recommendations in a NextGen air transportation system task force report. In his submitted testimony, Fuller emphasized the importance of working together on air traffic control modernization, embracing new technology through a building-block approach, and expanding surveillance services for general aviation. Read more >> Be a part of the future at Summit GA NEWSCongress calls for study of GPS backupAs VORs are being decommissioned and with loran-C on the chopping block, pilots are relying more on satellite-based technology for navigation—but what will happen if there is a GPS outage? The House of Representatives is calling for a study on whether there is a continued need for a backup navigation system to GPS. The House voted Oct. 23 to authorize Coast Guard programs for the current fiscal year. The bill included an amendment to require an investigation of the capabilities of and need for available backup technologies such as long-range navigation (loran). Read more >> Piper delays jet, adds avionics option to PA-46 line Cessna market stabilizingIf you were waiting for used-aircraft pricing of business jets to bottom out, wait no longer. They are on the way back up, according to Textron officials. Used business-jet sales turned a slight profit for Cessna Aircraft Company this past quarter, and industrywide the prices for used aircraft are increasing. Read more >> Blackhawk pumps up the Cheyenne IBlackhawk Modifications Inc. of Waco, Texas, now offers an engine upgrade package for the Piper Cheyenne I twin turboprop. The modification replaces the Cheyenne I’s stock, 500-shaft-horsepower Pratt & Whitney PT6A-11 engines with 620-shp PT6A-28 engines. Although capable of 620-shp, the new engines are flat rated to 500-shp. This means that they can continue producing 500-shp at higher altitudes than the originals. It also means better climb rates and less time and distance to climb to fuel-efficient cruise altitudes. Read more >> Tennessee aviation legend turns 100 Help open doors into Olympic TFRPlanning a flight near Vancouver? Don't let the two-month temporary flight restriction over the 2010 Winter Olympics and Paralympics foil your winter plans. Tell AOPA about your travel plans during the games. The association will inform the TSA of the number of pilots planning to fly into the restricted airspace so that the agency can prepare gateway procedures before the TFR starts Jan. 29 to smooth the process of flying into and out of the area. Longtime CFI inspires airport communityFor 37 years, Richard Cornelius, a CFI, CFII, and MEI, has guided hundreds of flight students through training and helped keep Shelby County Airport in Alabaster, Ala., abuzz with activity. Cornelius was recognized Oct. 28 by airport, city, county, and state officials, as well as AOPA Executive Vice President of Communications Karen Gebhart, for his service to Shelby County and the general aviation community. Former NASCAR racer Bobby Allison, a student of Cornelius, also recognized his efforts. Cornelius has about 13,000 total hours of flight time, with more than 9,000 logged as dual given. Read more >> Kissimmee Airport gets upgrade Kansas City Downtown completes projects worth $70 millionThe Kansas City Aviation Department is nearing completion on a $70 million refurbishment program at Kansas City Downtown Airport. The effort, begun in 2005, includes a $28 million project to raze and resurface both airport runways; $20 million to bulldoze 40 old hangars and replace them with 96 new hangars; $17 million for runway safety projects; and construction of a $1 million general aviation terminal, which includes a pilots’ lounge and large waiting room capable of accommodating up to 66 people, a self-fueling facility, and an outdoor aircraft wash bay. Read more >> American Eurocopter receives Part 142 certification Training pioneer Sanderson diesAviation training pioneer Paul E. Sanderson, 86, died of natural causes on Oct. 23. He dedicated his life’s work to training pilots, developing flight training curricula, and serving the aviation community. Sanderson was a pioneer in recognizing the advantages of technology in pilot training, and was the first to develop programs featuring specific aircraft types. Sanderson recognized the value of multimedia training early, and to reinforce his course manuals, he developed a private pilot program using phonograph records synchronized to slides—state-of-the-art technology in the 1950s. Read more >> Proposed safety management systems spark questionsThe FAA’s advance notice of proposed rulemaking (ANPRM) on safety management systems is raising so many questions that AOPA has asked the agency to step back and take another look. Safety management systems create a “structured-risk based approach to managing safety” through safety policies, safety risk management, safety assurance, and safety promotion. The ANPRM stems from a December 2007 endorsement of an International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) proposal to require safety management systems for international aircraft operators, aircraft manufacturers, and maintenance facilities. Read more >> European Union to require emissions plan for some aircraftIf you fly an aircraft weighing more than 12,500 pounds to a country in the European Union (EU) or to one of its territories in the Caribbean, you need to register with the EU and submit an emissions plan by Nov. 12 or face a fine the next time you fly into one of the countries. Fines start at $8,000. The EU has sent letters to those who are impacted. If you haven’t flown to one of the countries recently and did not receive a letter but may be making the trip in the future, you can opt to voluntarily submit a plan. Otherwise, the EU will issue a letter after your flight asking for the information. (That letter is not a fine.) For more information and to submit a plan, see the Web site.
For daily news updates, see AOPA Online. ga serves americaSuper pilot: GA helps man serve as foreman, firemanBy day, Tom Hawks is a foreman for grain warehouses in the southeast corner of Washington State. But he also serves as a volunteer fire chief. Without receiving any reimbursement of expenses, Hawks uses his airplane to do both jobs better. Before the harvest, Hawks takes up his Cessna 172 for an hour over the fields to get a better sense of the crops that await. He also uses aviation for firefighting to get a better perspective as he looks for roads that access hilltops and water sources. Read more >> PEAK EXPERIENCE: AOPA AVIATION SUMMITJoin forces for GAShare your excitement about flying at a good old-fashioned political-style rally Thursday, Nov. 5, at AOPA Aviation Summit in Tampa, Fla. General aviation is facing one of the greatest sets of challenges in its 100-year history. So join forces to help protect your freedom to fly at the first GA Serves America Rally. West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin III, an avid pilot and 40-year AOPA member, will speak about the importance of GA. Read more >> Enhance your aviation safetyWhile you’re perusing the dozens of aircraft on display and taking in the latest gadgets available to pilots, make time for aviation safety at AOPA Aviation Summit, Nov. 5 through 7, in Tampa, Fla. The AOPA Air Safety Foundation will be debuting new safety products in the Tampa Convention Center Exhibit Hall and hosting several forums: “What Went Wrong?,” “GPS from the Ground Up,” and “Single Pilot IFR.” Plus, AOPA Air Safety Foundation President Bruce Landsberg will discuss aviation safety on Nov. 7 on AOPA Live with NTSB Deputy Director for Regional Operations Jeff Guzzetti at 1 p.m. and with FAA Director of Runway Safety Wes Timmons and National Association of Flight Instructors Executive Director Jason Blair at 2 p.m. If you can’t make it to Summit, you can watch the interviews through AOPA Live on AOPA Online. Shop exclusive Summit merchandise at AOPA StoreA trip to AOPA Aviation Summit would not be complete without a souvenir commemorating your visit. Stop by the AOPA Store to buy exclusive AOPA Aviation Summit merchandise and apparel such as custom T-shirts for youth and adults, hooded sweatshirts, hat and T-shirt combos, an AOPA Aviation Summit collectible poster, gift items, and more! Classic AOPA merchandise also will be on hand for those looking to add another piece to their AOPA collection. Show the world you’re a pilot—shop the AOPA Store at Summit (Booth 1623). Register for Summit today! Follow Summit on AOPA LiveDon’t miss out on AOPA’s 2010 Sweepstakes airplane reveal on Thursday, Nov. 5, at 11 a.m.—log onto AOPA Online to watch the unveiling live! Plus, you can catch interviews with SR-71 pilot Brian Shul, aerobatic champion Patty Wagstaff, and more through AOPA Live. See a schedule of the live broadcasts >> Plan your final approach AOPA Aviation Summit Planning:
Safety & ProficiencyReduce your cost of flyingWhether you are an aircraft owner, member of a flying club, or a renter, AOPA has tips you can follow to reduce the cost of flying, which can help you get in the air more often. AOPA’s Reducing the Cost of Flying Subject Report is divided into sections for renters and aircraft owners and includes tips for reducing taxi time to save fuel, finding the best fuel price, changing your own oil, and more. Check out the subject report today and start saving! Say goodnight to daylight saving timeDaylight saving time ends Sunday, Nov. 1, so remember to set your clocks back this weekend. That means darkness arrives at an earlier hour, so make sure you're night current before you venture out for an after-work flight. And when it comes time to file a flight plan, don’t forget that the conversion between Zulu and your local time will change for most pilots in the United States. Here’s a chart to help you make the adjustments. Brush up on your night flight skillsVFR flight planning takes on another dimension at night—well beyond usual daytime planning. The AOPA Air Safety Foundation's Accident Database shows proportionately many more VFR accidents at night than during the day. Brush up on the knowledge and skills for night VFR flying with the foundation's updated " Safety Spotlight: Night VFR Flight." The safety spotlight brings together courses, quizzes, safety reviews, and reenactments—including a "Real Pilot Story: Engine Failure at Night"—to give you the information you need to stay safe, alert, and in control after the sun sets. Topics include weather, aeronautical decision making, spatial disorientation, terrain avoidance, fatigue, and airport lighting.
airport supportAirport protection starts at the local levelSome of the most successful wins in general aviation airport advocacy have started at the local level—pilots and the community in Biddeford, Maine, rallied to keep Biddeford Airport open last year, and St. Petersburg, Fla., residents united to save Albert Whitted Airport in 2003. These two triumphs wouldn’t have been possible without an involved, educated pilot community. That’s why AOPA is taking its airport advocacy efforts on the road to areas where airports aren’t yet threatened in hopes of keeping it that way. Read more >> To learn more about the Airport Support Network, visit ASN Online. blogsReporting Points: Thrills, chills, and a black Cessna SkymasterWith Halloween approaching, AOPA Pilot Associate Editor Jill Tallman was reminded of perhaps the only horror movie that features vampires, creepy reporters, and general aviation. Read more >> Air Safety eJournal: Laptops on the flight deck—Oh my!Laptops and electronic flight bags can be appropriately used in flight when they don’t interfere with the primary job of running the aircraft. But multitasking can be a distraction, as when two airline pilots were computing away at FL370 while nobody was minding the store on their Airbus flight deck. Read more >> Hover Power: Bad ideasThere are some things that helicopter pilots do that are just not smart. For example, the pilot of a Robinson R22 Beta landed in a field to pick up some equipment, and while he was there he decided to hot refuel. Read more >> Quiz MeHere's a question asked by an AOPA member who contacted our aviation services staff through the AOPA Pilot Information Center. Test your knowledge.
Question: I am considering purchasing my first airplane and don’t know where to begin. What resources does AOPA have to help me with the buying process?
Answer: AOPA offers a great deal of information online in our dedicated Web section on aircraft ownership. You’ll find tips on buying and selling aircraft, aircraft airworthiness, maintenance, ownership options, and more. AOPA’s Vref service can give you a better understanding of an aircraft's market value, which will help in negotiations with the seller. Also, check out AOPA Member Products on aircraft financing, insurance, title services, and more.
Got a question for our aviation services staff? The AOPA Pilot Information Center is a service available to all members as part of the annual dues. Call 800/872-2672, or e-mail to [email protected]. Send comments on our Quiz Me! questions to [email protected]. Picture Perfect
Aviation Events & Weather Flight Instructor Refresher ClinicsThe next AOPA Air Safety Foundation Flight Instructor Refresher Clinics are scheduled in San Diego, Calif., Atlanta, Ga., and Austin, Texas, Nov. 14 and 15; Anchorage, Alaska, Albuquerque, N.M., and Reston, Va., Nov. 21 and 22; Denver, Colo., and Orlando, Fla., Dec. 5 and 6; Northbrook, Ill., Dec. 12 and 13; San Jose, Calif., Baltimore, Md., and Detroit, Mich., Jan. 9 and 10. For a complete schedule, see AOPA Online.
Can't make it in person? Sign up for the CFI Refresher Online. AOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety SeminarsAOPA Air Safety Foundation Safety Seminars are scheduled in Tampa, Fla., Nov. 5 and 6; Tampa, Fla., and Pikeville, N.C., Nov. 7; Jamestown, N.C., and Greenville, S.C., Nov. 9; Decatur, Ga., and Smithfield, N.C., Nov. 10; Huntsville, Ala., and Castle Hayne, N.C., Nov. 11; Burbank, Calif., and White Plains, N.Y., Nov. 16; Ontario, Calif., Nov. 17; Costa Mesa, Calif., Nov. 18; San Diego, Calif., Nov. 19; Marietta, Ga., Dec. 1; Birmingham, Ala., Dec. 2; Pensacola, Fla., Dec. 3; West Palm Beach, Fla., Dec. 7; Tampa, Fla., Dec. 8; Towson, Md., Dec. 9. Topics vary—for details and a complete schedule, see AOPA Online. | Got news? Contact ePilot. Having difficulty using this service? Visit the ePilot Frequently Asked Questions now at AOPA Online or write to [email protected]. | |||
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