The Matanuska-Susitna Borough Assembly adopted an ordinance Aug. 18 to establish an aviation advisory board. The advisory board, which will guide the borough on aviation-related issues that could impact its more than 200 private- and public-use airports, was developed from a 2008 aviation system plan.
The board will be composed of nine voting members, five of which must be pilots, airport owners, or statewide aviation associations. Alaska Airmen’s Association Executive Director Dee Hanson, who also serves as the Lake Hood Seaplane Base AOPA Airport Support Network volunteer, and Alaska Airports Association Chairwoman Jane Dalehelped to ensure the board limited the number of nonaviation-related members. AOPA encourages borough residents to consider serving on the board.
“By becoming a member of the aviation advisory board, you can help the borough government understand the value aviation brings to the region,” said AOPA Alaska Regional Representative Tom George. For more information and to get involved, read the ordinance.